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General Discussion / Dyneemo
« Last post by Hooleo on July 21, 2020, 04:15:45 PM »
Dy posted the following on Facebook but I thought all the boardrats would want to know what's going on with her.

So, had a virtual appointment with my neuro-otologist and prognosis is grim 
He is putting me on a sedative for the cluster headaches and vistibular migraines and scheduling me to have Endolymphatic sac decompression surgery; his exact words on the report were: " With her medically intractable bilateral Meniere's Diesease....I remain very reluctant to consider destructive options and accordingly that leaves very little available to her"
He told me that with the MDDS, cluster headaches, vistibular migraines and Bilateral Meniere's Disease I am one of only 16% of patients to have Meniere's this bad.
We laughed and laughed and I asked him to buy me a lotto ticket with those odds.
I have to do a fine cut temporal bone CT prior to the surgery and I think that will be around the end of August.
Guess with me, if I'm gonna do something, I may as well go all out!! (But to be honest, I'm actually a bit petrified  )

General Discussion / Re: Old Fanatic
« Last post by sarapals on July 11, 2020, 12:27:48 PM »
Happy happy birthday to the Captain of this Ship!

I check in more than I post-- and always happy to see my long-time friends show up here!!

Thankful that Anna has kept it going-- and happy that she is 95 years young!! Stay safe, wear a mask, wash your hands!

As for my state of Florida--we are not doing too good here. So stay away-- we are now "Pandemic Playground"...

As for my original birthplace of Louisiana, and New Orleans especially-- say a prayer for all the lives lost before anyone realized this virus had taken root among so many of the state's elderly and frail. New Orleans is doing better--actually did some very good things for the homeless population when the pandemic was blowing through the city like a hurricane.

Let's keep hoping for a CSI reunion! When I think of all the magic that's happened on screen (tv and movie), I believe CSI could film a reunion episode that would be fun.

Take care-- love to all!!

General Discussion / Re: Old Fanatic
« Last post by oldfanatic on July 11, 2020, 10:53:30 AM »
I did email Hooleo but letting you all know I'm still in isolation and no telling right now when the governor will decide to open the state.  Some restaurants are open with limited capacity and I'm hoping my hair salon will open before my hair gets down to my knees.  Another birthday - #95 - and still on my feet although using a cane outdoors most of the time for stability with my arthritic knee.  My son and d-i-l have been doing my grocery shopping and any other errands needed.  We renewed the registration on the car on line although it's only started to keep the battery from dying.  Also renewed my drivers license on line and it's good for 8 years which I figure is just about right.  I was thinking of closing down the Board because there are so few posts but Hooleo suggested keeping it open in case the cast reunion ever gets filmed so let us all hope that happens and soon.  In the meantime would enjoy hearing from more of you so please let us know how you are all doing!
General Discussion / Re: Corona virus
« Last post by Hooleo on July 11, 2020, 09:51:23 AM »
Checking in with everyone. Like Anna, I too am a hermit. My step-daughter's husband does all of my shopping and errands.  I have been trying to give him a little break by ordering most of my groceries through InstaCart.  In fact, I'll be getting a delivery very soon.  Just got the text.  I don't go out for anything and have been working from home since March 16. 
General Discussion / Old Fanatic
« Last post by Hooleo on July 11, 2020, 09:38:36 AM »
Happy Birthday to our own beloved Old Fanatic today.  Would love to see a post on here from her letting us all know how she is doing during this trying time.
General Discussion / Re: Birthday
« Last post by Hooleo on July 11, 2020, 09:35:25 AM »
Dy, it's good to see you on here!  I hope you are doing better and that they are getting that illness (can't remember the name) under control.
General Discussion / Re: 4th of July
« Last post by Hooleo on July 11, 2020, 09:32:21 AM »
A few days late but Happy 4th to you, Anna!  I agree with you about mob rule.  I'm actually in favor of moving confederate statues to a museum instead of having them line Monument Avenue in Richmond.  But mobs should not be tearing down any statues. They are just destroying, not doing anything positive.  Peaceful protests are fine and that is part of what your generation fought for but there always seem to be rabble rousers that just cause trouble.
General Discussion / 4th of July
« Last post by oldfanatic on July 01, 2020, 08:08:10 PM »
In these days of attempted destruction of our history, we need to cling even more to what the United States stands for.  My generation fought a world war to keep this the land of the free and the home of the brave. We are a land of laws, not mob rule. Everyone should stand in front of the flag with pride in everything it stands for.

Happy Independence Day!!!
General Discussion / Re: Corona virus
« Last post by sarapals on May 14, 2020, 10:28:41 PM »
I'm fine! Going to work every day. Think we will start testing blood for C-19 but not soon. Waiting for the right testing and so far, none are very good.
Florida is opening up-- but don't be a jerk and think its fine. We have an idiot for a governor.
Keep wearing those masks--keep washing hands--keep away from crowds (that's more than 8-10 people, IMO)
General Discussion / Re: Corona virus
« Last post by oldfanatic on May 13, 2020, 10:33:56 AM »
Hope you're all doing okay.  Has the State started opening for any of you?  We are still shut down until June 1.  Even if we can start going out I guess we'll still be wearing masks for a while.
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