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Author Topic: Sara's Secret  (Read 20195 times)


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Sara's Secret
« Reply #30 on: June 27, 2009, 11:30:44 AM »
This chapter contains a view of rape, and it's victum that I do not share. I put it in here only for the interest of my story.

Chapter 16

Gil stopped Nick in the hall, ?I need a big favor.?  ?Sure,? he said.  Gil told him about the locker door and handed him everything he had gathered.
 ?Keep this quiet please,? Gil asked.  Nick said he would.  In the break room Gil handed the rest of the crew their assignments.
  ?Where is Nick?? Catherine asked.  ?He is working on a personal case,? Gil told them. 
Gil worked with Sara on the case she and Nick had started  the day before.  Warrick and Catherine finished up what they had started too.
 As they were leaving at the end of shift Nick stopped Sara at the door, ?Sara, Greg needs to see you for just a second.? 
As she left Nick yelled at Gil, ?Come here.?  Sprayed on the door of her car was the same word.  ?Damn it!? Gil said.
 He seen Sara coming, ?I will get her out of here, please?.?  Nick cut him off, ?I will.? 
Gil went to Sara, took her hand and led her to his car.  ?Someone dented the door on your car,? he said, ?Nick is checking into for us, let?s take my car.? 
Sara got very upset.
 ?How much longer is this going to go on?  I can?t keep lying to her,? he told himself.
 They picked up Tabby and he dropped them at the house, he told Sara he was going back to check on the car.
 On his way back Nick called him to meet him in the layout room.  ?What do you have Nicky?? he asked walking in.
 Nick told him he had processed the car and sent it over to be cleaned.  They went over what he had found, there was nothing to point to the  ?artist?.
 Gil went home, Tabby was standing in the porch crying.  ?What is it Butterfly??  ?I don?t know,? she said.  ?Mommy answered the phone message thing and started to cry.  Then she answered the phone, dropped it and ran up to her room.  She locked the door.? 
Gil picked her up, kissed her cheek and told her to play with the animals and he would check on Mommy. 
Gil tried the door, it was locked.  ?Sara?? he said tapping on the door.  All he heard was crying.  He got the key and went in, she was sitting on the bed, arms wrapped around her knees, crying. 
He sat next to her.  ?Hon, what is it?? he asked.  She just kept crying.  Downstairs Gil listened to the answering machine. 
The phone rang again, Gil lift the receiver, a female voice repeated the same message then hung up. 
Gil tried to get a trace on the call, but it was no use, the call was made from a payphone. 
He turned to see Sara standing behind him, ?Her again??  Gil went to her and took her in his arms, she tried to push away but he refused to let her go.  She started to cry again. 
Gil lift her face and tenderly kissed her, ?You are not.?  He pulled her close to him and held her. 
When she stopped crying he told her the  rest of the story.  ?Now, I am taking this to the lab to have Archie go over it,? he told her, ?You and Tabby are coming with me.?   
?Are you sure you want to be seen in public with a ??  Gil stopped her, ?Don?t.  Don?t say it, don?t think it.? 
In the lab Sara and Tabby were in the break room watching television while Gil and Archie and Nick listened to the tape. 
?Helen?? Judy called sticking her head in the AV lab.  ?Oh!  I am sorry, I thought I heard Helen Masters.? 
She turned and walked away.  The men looked at each other and said, ?WHO??  Gil went after Judy and asked her about Helen.  ?She is the new girl, the one who saw you and Tabby,? Judy said.
 ?Did she ask about Tabby?? Gil asked.  Judy said she had and then told him she told Helen the story about Sara and Tabby.  ?Did I do something wrong, Dr. Grissom?? she asked. 
?No,? he said walking away.  Gil called Jim and filled him in, Jim said he would bring her in for questioning.  Gil called Catherine, filled her in and asked her to accompany Jim. 
Gil stood looking and listening to the interrogation.
 ?So Helen,? Jim started, ?What do you have against Sara??  At first she denied everything, then Catherine showed her the surveillance tape from the garage and the voice comparison Archie made. 
Helen just repeated the same thing over again that she had left on the machine. 
?Sara was raped,? Catherine said.  ?There is no such thing as rape,? Helen said, ?A lady can always say NO!?
 ?Not to a man who is stronger and trying to hurt her,? Catherine said. 
?Then she should have killed herself and the child inside her,? Helen said. 
Nick had to hold Gil back, Gil had a look in his eyes that scared Nick, he had never seen it before and hoped he never did again.
 ?Excuse me!? Catherine said.  ?I said it.  I believe it.  I am saying no more,? she said.
 ?You don?t need to, Jim said, ?You are under arrest.? 
Gil went back to his office, Tabby was sleeping on the couch.  ?It is over,? he told Sara.  Then he told her about Helen.
 Sara looked at Gil, ?It took me a long time to get over what happened that night.  Then I found out  I was pregnant, I thought about an abortion but could not punish the child for what he did.  Then you came along and everything that happened that night was behind me.  You loved me and my child, it did not make a difference to you.  When the gang found out about Tanatha they did not care either.  Now this!?
 ?This means nothing,? Grissom said.
 ?You are a brave lady,? Catherine said from the doorway.  ?You kept your child and raised her.  You fought your way to where you are with no one to help you.  You are not a whore, you are a surivor,? Catheirne walkled over to Sara and hugged her.  ?Never forget that.  I am not sure if I could have done it.? 
Sara thanked Catheirne,  What Helen did realy upset Sara. 
?It took me a long time to get over the so called shame of the rape,? Sara said, ?And when I found out I was pregnant, well my friends told me an aboration was the best thing to do.  I could not do it and you know, I am glad I did not.  Tabby has kept me going.?
 ?I am glad you did not either,? Gil said as he gently picked up Tabby.  ?As strange as it may sound, I can?t image my life without my Butterfly.?   
Gil and Sara went to the house, he tucked Tabby in.
 In their room Sara told him there was a message on the machine.  ?The vet said we could pick up Hank tomorrow.?  ?Good, I miss the old boy,? he said.
 ?Now my dear,? he said, ?We need to get some rest.?  ?Good idea,? she said cuddling close to him.             


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Re: Sara's Secret
« Reply #31 on: June 27, 2009, 03:32:06 PM »
Great chapters Trish!

billyjorja - You keep talking like that, and Gil won't be coming to help you recover!  :P ;D


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Re: Sara's Secret
« Reply #32 on: June 28, 2009, 06:03:51 AM »
Great chapters, looking forward to more.

GSRLOVER34 - I'm getting back to my fighting weight so watch it!!!!


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Sara's Secret
« Reply #33 on: June 28, 2009, 10:24:05 AM »
Chapter 17

?Daddy!? Tabby said jumping on him, ?Wake up.?  ?Why?? Gil asked.
 ?I have made breakfast,? she told him.  ?By yourself?? he asked.  ?Yep,? was her reply. 
He fallowed her into the kitchen, on the table were 3 bowls of corn flakes, fruit, muffins and juice. 
There was a little bit of a mess but he did not say anything except how proud he was of her.  Sara came down. 
?Look what Butterfly did,? Gil said.  ?Very good,? Sara told her. 
The three of them ate, when they were done Gil told her to feed the animals, ?Mommy and I will clean up.?
 ?I did not have the heart to say anything about the mess,? Gil told her.  ?She tried,? Sara said smiling. 
?Butterfly,? Gil called, ?I am going to pick up Hank.  Do you want to come??  ?Oh yes,? she yelled running down stairs in her pajamas.
 ?I think you better get dressed,? Gil told her.  Tabby giggled and ran upstairs. 
?Daddy,? she called, ?I found a spider in my room, can I keep it??  Sara shook her head NO. 
?No Butterfly,? he said, ?Spiders have to live free.?  Sara inhaled deeply, ?Thank you,? she told him.
 As Tabby and Gil were getting ready to go Sara came over to him, ?Please dear.  No more animals.?  Gil kissed her, ?Ok love.? 
The next 6 months flew by.  Hormones were running rampant around the lab.  Sara is almost through her 9th month and Catherine was in her 8th.  Nick and Sophia were married 4 months ago, some say it was just because she was pregnant, but no one cared, they were happy. 
Sara stayed working, of course she had to stay in the lab.  Hodges could not wait for her to have the baby, she was driving him nuts. 
The shift started as any other, Gil handed out the assignments.  Warrick and Nick were out in Henderson on a murder/suicide.  He and Greg were in the woods with - you guessed it - BUGS.  ?You did this on purpose,? he told Grissom, ?You know I hate these things.?  Gil just laughed.
 Back at the lab Catherine and Sara were taking a break.  ?My ankles look like basketballs,? Catherine said.  ?I know the feeling,? Sara replied smiling, ?I feel like a beached whale.  Gil keeps saying - ?You are not fat? - well looking in the mirror I have to disagree with him.  That and my back is killing me, could hardly sleep it hurt so bad.?
 ?Rick keeps telling me that I am not fat, I am - ?with child,? Cath tells her.  ?Well I guess we better get going,? Catherine says trying to stand up.  ?I am in no hurry,? Sara says, ?Hodges hates having me around anyway.? 
Catherine started to stand, ?Sara! My water just broke.  Get some help, please.?  Sara goes into the hallway, the first person she sees is Hodges.
  ?David, we need help, Catherine?s water broke.  Hurry!?  David, in shear panic runs down the hall and grabs a security guard, the guard calls 911. 
Sara calls Warrick, ?You better get to the hospital.  Cath is on her way, her water broke, she is in labor.  I am riding with her.? 
At the hospital Catherine is admitted directly to the OB Unit, Sara sits with her waiting for Warrick to come.  ?I have a feeling if he dose not get here soon he will miss out on the birth os his child,? Catherine manages to get out between contractions.  ?He will be here soon,? Sara says, ?Gil is on his way too.?  A nurse comes in, ?Mrs. Brown, I am going to see how things are coming.?
 Sara stands, ?My back,? she says, ?It has been hurting all day.?  The nurse turns to her, ?When are you due Mrs. Grissom??  ?Next week,? Sara tells her.  ?I think you better get checked out yourself,? Mary says taking her across the hallway.  While they are gone Warrick and Gil come in Catherine?s room.  She tells Gil about Sara.
 ?Mr. Grissom,? Mary says coming back into Catherine?s room, ?We are admitting Mrs. Grissom.  She is almost ready to deliver.  Gil dashes across the hall, now it is a wait and see game as to delivers first. 
Warrick and Gil are a bundle of nerves, the ladies are quit calm, considering.  An hour after she was admitted, with Gil by her side, Sara delivers their son, RYAN LEE GRISSOM comes screaming into the world. 
The baby is first handed to his mother, after checking him out she looks at Gil, ?Would you like to hold your son?? 
With all the jitters of a first time father, Gil gently takes him.  ?You are fantastic,? he tells Sara.  ?And you, young man, are nothing short of a miracle.?
 One hour after Ryan is born, Catherine and Warrick have their child.  The two new father?s meet in the hall, each one showing off their new arrival.
  ?She is beautiful,? Gil tells Rick.  ?What did you finally decide on for her name?? he asked.  ?MISHA JEAN,? he said, ?after my grandmother.?
 Gil asked Nick to pick up  Tabby, they came into the room.  ?Butterfly,? Gil says, ?Look who is here.? 
Tabby sits on Sara?s bed, Gil helps her hold the baby, ?Welcome to the world Grasshopper,? Tabby says as she kisses his forehead. 
The day after Ryan Lee was born Sara brought him home.  ?I never knew baby?s were so small,? Tabby said standing by the crib and looking at him.  ?He will grow,? Sara said.  ?Will it take a long time?? she asked.
 That made Gil chuckle, ?About a year.?  ?Phooey,? Tabatha said, ?That is forever.?  ?Mommy?? she said looking at Sara.  ?Now that I have my brother, when can I have my sister??  Sara looked at Gil then back at Tabby, ?Lets talk about THAT latter.?     


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Sara's Secret
« Reply #34 on: June 28, 2009, 10:32:17 AM »
Chapter 18

A month after Ryan and Misha were born Lilly hosted a dinner.  Everyone was there, some had not seen the babies yet. 
Lindsay was holding Misha, Tabby went to where she was sitting.  ?She is cute, but Grasshopper is cuter.?
 Lindsay laughed, ?For a boy his is cute.?
 ?What do you think of your half brother?? Hodges asked.  Tabby looked at him, starting to cry she ran to Gil.
 ?Daddy,? she was crying.  Gil picked her up, ?What is it Butterfly??  ?Uncle David said that Grasshopper was cut in half.  Why would someone do that??
 ?Cut in half?? Gil said.  ?Yeah,? she said sniffing, ?He asked me how I liked my HALF BROTHER.? 
Gil smiled, ?Butterfly, Ryan has not been cut in half,  half brother means that Ryan and you have different fathers.?
 ?But?? she said still confused.  ?You ARE my daddy, you said so.?  Gil was trying to figure out what to tell her when Sara, who had overheard them, came to his rescue.
 ?Tabby, remember when Nancy asked you where your father was?? Sara asked.  ?Yes,? she said.  ?You told me that my father was some man who hurt you and you moved away because her did not love us or want us.?
 ?That?s right,? Sara said.  ?Then I meant Gil and ??   ?And he loves us and wants us so he became my daddy,? Tabby said.  ?Right,? Sara said.
 ?OHHH!? Tabby said, ?I get it.  Gilly is Grasshoppers father and daddy.  And he is just my daddy.?  ?Yes,? Sara said.
  Gil looked into her soft brown eyes, ?Butterfly.  Just because Ryan is here nothing has changed.  I picked you to be my daughter, I love you just as much as I do Ryan.?
 ?I know Daddy,? she said, ?I love you too.?  Gil sat her down and she went to where Lindsay was, ?Lindsay??  ?What is it Tabby?? she asked.
 ?Is Misha your half sister??  ?Yes,? Lindsay said, ?Why??  ?You and Misha have different fathers just like Grasshopper and I do.?
  ?That?s right,? Lindsay said, ?But Uncle Gil still loves you just like Warrick loves me.?  ?We are lucky,? Tabby said.  ?Why?? Lindsay asked.
 ?Our daddy?s picked us, they did not have to,? she said smiling.  ?You are smart for a 5 year old,? Lindsay said. 
Latter that night Sara was on her way to get Ryan ready for the sitters, she heard Tabby talking to Ryan.
  ?Someday when you are big I am going to tell you what a great father you have.  He is our DADDY but he is just your FATHER.  My father left a long time ago, but Gilly found me and Mommy.  He loves us so much that he married Mommy and me, he did not have to, he could have just ran away.  I think that makes him special cause he picked to love me and take care of me."
  She felt Gil?s arms come around her, he had walked up just as Tabatha started to talk.  ?She is a very special little lady,? he said.  She turned to face him, kissed him then said, ?You are a very special man.?  ?There is nothing special about me,? Gil told Sara.  Sara just smiled at him.
 Gil and Sara dropped Tabby and Ryan off at Mrs. Robbins.  Doc and is Mrs. have become the official babysitter.
 It was her first day back and she could hardly wait.  She loved being with Tabby and Ryan, but she missed the crew.  She missed the work too, each case was a puzzle and she loved to solve puzzles.  She secretly wondered if it made her a bad parent because she liked to be at work.
 In the break room hugs were got and given,  ?It is good to have the you two back again,? Nick told Catherine and Sara.  ?I am sure Hodges is happy,? Sara said.
 ?Conrad had generously decided to let us keep Frank and Beth,? Gil said as he came in with assignments, ?That is if they want to stay??  Both said they did.
 ?Great, let?s get started then.?  Sara and Beth were working a shooting.
 ?I could not believe it,? the lady witness said, ?I was sitting behind the Ford waiting for the light.  A green Chevy pulled next to the Ford.  I think the two started arguing, I could see hands flying and fingers pointing.  The next thing I know the guy in the Chevy shots the guy in the Ford and drove off.? 
?Thank you,? Sara told the lady.  Then to Beth she said, ?Let?s see if we can get the footage from the cam on the light.  We can bring it to Archie.?  ?I am on it,? she said.
 Back at the lab Judy stopped Sara, ?Mrs. Grissom.  You have a message.?  Sara thanked her and took the paper.
 ?Everything ok?? Beth asked.  ?Oh yes,? Sara said.  ?Please run this to Archie, I need to see Gil.? 
Beth took it and headed for the AV lab.  Sara walked into Gil?s office.  ?Judy just gave me this,? she said handing him at he paper.  ?Who is Mildred Keller?? he asked.  ?She works at the lab in San Francisco,? Sara told him, ?I have no idea why she wants me to call her.? 
Gil stood, ?I need to run to trace anyway, call her.?  He pulled out his chair, kissed her cheek and shut the door.
 When he came back Sara looked like she had seen a ghost.  ?What is it?? he asked.  ?Jones raped Millie just like he did me.  She wants me to come back and testify on her behalf.? 
Gil went to her and took her hand tears started to fall.  He took her close to him.  ?I don?t think I can go through that again,? she said tearfully.
 ?She needs an answer by next week,? she told Gil.  ?Think about it,? he told her, ?I will support what ever you want to do.? 
?I need to go home,? she told him still crying.
 ?I will meet you at the house.?  Gil nodded.  Sara started to go, he took her hand and pulled her back to him, holding her he whispered in her ear, ?I love you.? ?Me too,? she said. 
Sara stopped at the Robbins and picked up Tabby and Ryan, at the house Tabby noticed her mother had been crying, ?Mommy? You ok?? 
Sara wrapped her in her arms, ?I love you so much.?  Tabby kissed Sara?s cheek, ?I love you too Mommy.?   
Sara tucked them both in then went to her room, when Gil came home she was sitting on the bed, still crying.       


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Re: Sara's Secret
« Reply #35 on: June 28, 2009, 06:38:21 PM »
Great chapters! I feel so bad for Sara right now.

billyjorja - I'm ready for you!


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Re: Sara's Secret
« Reply #36 on: June 29, 2009, 08:30:27 AM »
I'm crying again!!!!

GSRLOVER34 - Good, name the time and place.


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Sara's Secret
« Reply #37 on: June 29, 2009, 11:01:09 AM »
This chapter contains a court room scene.  I know nothing about law and nothing about court rooms so I am sure it will not be right.  It will, however fit my story.  To all those who DO know the law and courtroom procedure?s, pleases except my apology.  Please just read this in the sprit of the story.

Chapter 19

Gil sat next to her, she buried her head in his chest.
  ?I made the right decision,? she said.  Gil said, ?Yes,? even though he was not sure what she meant.
 ?I made the right decision about keeping Tabby.  I made the right decision about not letting Jones know about her,? she said.
 ?How can I face him again after all this time?  I am not sure I can.? 
Gil lay down and pulled her with him, he cradled her in his arms,  ?Rest love.  Don?t try to make a decision like this now.  Just remember, I will be here for you.? 
Sara snuggled closer, after a little while she fell asleep.  Gil cradled her in his arms, he did not know what to say to her, this was a decision she alone had to make, all he could do was support her. 
Gil eased himself out of bed when he heard Tabby?s soft knock on their door.  He took his daughters hand, ?Mommy ok?? she asked.
 ?Mommy needs some rest,? he told herm, ?Let?s get something to eat.? 
In the kitchen Gil was making oatmeal when Sara came in.  ?I am going to do it,? she told him, ?I am going to call Millie and tell her I will be there.?
 ?Do you need me there?? Gil asked.  ?Oh yes, please.  I need you.  I need you near me, I need to be able to feel your strength.?  Gil pulled her to him. 
?I will call Mrs. Robbins,? she said, ?I will see if she can keep Tabby and Ryan.?  Gil nodded.
 ?I don?t want Tabby anywhere near that man,? she said.  Sara called Mildred, she told Sara to contact the DA. 
Sara called the DA, after listening to Sara?s story he told her he was going to also charge Jones with her rape. 
It took three months to get everything in order, Sara was sitting in the court room with Gil at her side.
 Jones was the only person his lawyer called.  He swore that he had never raped either of the ladies.  He swore he never had sex with them that they just accused  his of  rape because he refused to promote them and better their careers.  The defense rested. 
The state took over, Mildred was first, she told her story.  Jones? lawyer asked her if she seen a doctor, she had not.
  ?No doctor - no rape kit - no proof,? was all the lawyer said. 
Sara was next.  She told how she knew Jones and she went into details about the events of the evening that lead up to the rape. 
The judge called a recess before Sara was crossed examined.  Sara was standing outside the court house, she was in tears. 
Gil went to her, he wrapped her in is arms.  ?I am so proud of you,? he told her. 
?You don?t now what retelling that story again has done to me,? she said .  ?Stay strong,? he told her, ?And remember - I love you and I am here for you.? 
Sara smiled, ?I know, I can feel your love and your strength.? 
After the break Sara was once more in the witness box, Miller, Jones? lawyer started?..
MILLER:  Why did you wait so long to press charges against
              my client?
SARA:     It was not my decision.  The DA?s office made that
MILLER:  You claim my client raped you and after several attempts
              to bring charges against him you gave up and left
              San Francisco?
SARA:     Yes
MILLER:   My client swore, under oath, that he never touched either
               you or Miss Keller.  Miss Keller has no proof, I will assume
               that after what - 5 years, more or less - you can not
               produce any either.
SARA:      Sir, you would be wrong, after the rape I went to the
               hospital, the kit proved rape, DNA proved it was Mr. Jones.
MILLER:   A nice fairy tail, Mrs. Grissom.  GRISSOM?  Unless I am
               mistaken, I believe a Gilbert Grissom the supervisor of the
               Crime Lab in Las Vegas where you work.  Any relationship?
The DA objected.  He said it had no bearing on the case.  Miller said it  goes to prove that what Mr. Jones has said was true, that the ladies only said rape after he refused to help advance them. 
The judge told Sara to answer the question.  She looked at Gil, she could see the anger in his eyes.  Sara had never thought Miller would bring Gil into this.
SARA:     He is my husband.
MILLER:  I see.
SARA:     But that dose not change what Mr. Jones done.
MILLER:   You were not able to bully Mr. Jones into advancing
               your career.  We can only assume that you bullied
               Mr. Grissom into marring you to shut you up.  No more
By this time Gil was furious, Sara started to stand, she wanted to go to him before he let his temper over rule his judgment.
The DA stood, ?Redirect your honor.?
DA:         Why did you tell Mr. Miller he would be wrong?
SARA:     Because I still have this.
She handed the DA  the written report form the ER exam and the DNA test.  Miller objected, he told the judge he was never given these papers in discovery.
 The judge asked the DA about it, he told the judge this was the first time he knew about the papers. 
The judge looked at Sara, ?Is this true??  ?Yes sir,? Sara said, ?I never told the DA that I had there, I was not sure if I was going to show them or not. 
No one ever asked. 
The judge called a recess while the authenticity of the documents were established. They came back as genuine and introduced into evidence.
DA:          Why did you decide to revel them?
SARA:      For years I have lived with the shame of what he done to
               me.  I hid my face, I believed I was the lowest form of a
               human.  Then one day my eyes were opened.  Tenderness
               touched my world.  The love of a good and descent man
               showed me there was no need to be ashamed.  He made me
               realize what Mr. Jones done was wrong, I knew I could not
               let Jones hurt another woman.
DA:          That is all, Mrs. Grissom.  Thank you.
Sara left the stand and sat next to Gil, he took her hand.  The jury was given instructions.
 Gil and Sara were standing outside when Mildred came up to her, ?I think you made a big impact on the jury.?
 ?I only told the truth,? Sara said.  Gil had his hand on the small of her back and she her head on his shoulder,  One hour later they were all sitting in the court room again.
 Jones was found not guilty of Mildred?s rape but guilty of Sara?s.  She knew he would never hurt anyone again.



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Sara's Secret
« Reply #38 on: June 29, 2009, 11:07:10 AM »
Chapter 20

Gil and Sara?s flight home was not until the next morning.  ?Anything special you want to do?? he asked. 
Sara smiled and whispered something in his ear.  Her response brought a grin to his face, between the new baby and her nervousness about testifying their bed had not been used for much else but sleeping in. 
At their hotel Gil hung the ?DO NOT DISTURB? sign on the door. 
Clothing was  shed.  Sara was first on the bed, she giggled as he had trouble getting his shoe off. 
Gil lay next to her, he took his hand and ran it softly on her face.  ?Do you know just how amazing you are?? he asked her.  ?Do you know how much I love you?? she asked. 
He kissed her, tenderly, the way he had so many times before they were married, ?My love, it can?t be more then I do you.?
He pulled her into his arms, with the experience of a seasoned lovers their bodies moved as one. 
As they kissed his hand found those intimate areas of her body that sent shock waves of passion through out it. 
The love they made was as passionate as it had been their first time.
Sara knew his fire would not soon be quenched, she smiled as she willingly gave into his needs for the second and third time.
Sara lay in her comfy place, drawing hearts on his  chest as he slept the deep sleep of a satisfied lover.
 ?You ARE so amazing,? she said to herself as she joined her husband in sleep.
   The next day they were back home,  the morning was spent with their children, Sara was never happier then when she was with them.
  That night as she lay cuddled close to him in her comfy place Gil said, ?I am so proud of you.?
 ?I remembered what you told me that first say at my house.  The more I thought about it the more I knew you were right.  I was going to bring charges myself, I guess Mildred?s case just sped things up.? 
Gil kissed the top of her head, ?And the best part of it was you did it without him finding out about Butterfly.? 
Ryan and Misha are 18 months old now.  Sophia and Nick?s little boy - Austin - just had his first birthday.  Ryan is walking all over the place and getting into everything.  Tabby has often said she wondered why she wanted Grasshopper to hurry up and grow. 
?He can?t stay out of anything,? she told her mother, ?he ripped my book.  My new book Daddy got me.?  Tabatha was now 6 years old and in first grade.  She had gotten back from school and seen where Ryan had tore her book. 
?We can fix it,? Sara told her, ?he is  just a baby and baby?s do that kind of thing.?  Tabby threw up her hands and went to her room. 
?If you would keep your things picked up he could not get into them,? Sara told her as she walked away. 
?Gilbert Jr.,? she chuckled under her breath.  For not being his biological child she was just like him.  Tabby walked into her room, ?Grasshopper, what are you doing in here?? 
Ryan looked at her, he had been in her ?pet room? she could tell, her pet food was all over the floor.  ?Oh I hate you!? she screamed at him, ?You are always messing up my stuff.  Get out of her!?  Ryan left crying. 
?Sometimes I wish he was never born,? she said as she cleaned up the mess, ?It was so much better when it was only me and Mommy and Daddy.?  Ryan came back to her doorway and looked at her. 
She yelled again and gave him a push, he fell.  Tabatha came running into the kitchen, ?I did not mean it.?  She was crying.  ?Did not mean what, Butterfly?? Gil asked. 
She just sat on the floor crying, she mumbled something about Grasshopper being a brat and wishing he never came along.  ?Tabatha Lynn Grissom,? Sara said, ?What are you talking about??   ?I think I killed him,? she said. 
Gil and Sara ran upstairs, Ryan was laying on the floor in a small pool of blood.  Gil knelt next to him, ?Ryan?  Hey little man.?
 Tabby was standing next to Sara, ?He was messing with my stuff.  I got mad and said some bad stuff.?  ?Did you hit him?? Sara asked.  ?Not really,? she said.  ?I sorta gave him a push to get him out of my room and he fell and hit the floor.  Did I kill him?? 
Ryan started to cry, Gil picked him up.  ?He took a nasty fall,? Gil said.  Sara thought it best to take him to Dr. Fox, their pediatrician. 
Sara drove him to the doctor while Gil and Tabby stayed at the house to straighten up the mess Ryan had made.  Tabby looked at Gil, ?I guess you want a divorce??  ?What?? he said. 
?You know, get rid of me?  I did hurt your son.?  Gil picked her up, ?Butterfly no.  I would never want to get rid of you.  Do you remember what I told you??  ?You told me you would always love me.  But that was before I hurt Grasshopper,? she said starting to cry again.
 ?Brothers and sisters fight all the time,? he told her.  ?You are bigger then Ryan is, you know not to touch other peoples things, he is just learning.?
 ?Ohhhhhh,? she said, ?Like when I was learning to ride my bike.  I had to do it over and over again till I got it right.?  ?Yes Butterfly.  We have to keep reminding Ryan so he will learn.?
 ?Daddy, I did not mean to hurt him.  I did not mean that I wished he was not born.  I love my brother.?  ?He loves you too,? Gil said.  ?Is that why he is in my stuff?? she asked.  ?I guess so,? Gil said. 
Sara came back, Tabby ran to meet her.  ?Is he ok??  Did I kill him??  ?Ryan is fine,? Sara said, ?He has a small cut on his forehead.?  Tabby got down on her knees, ?Grasshopper, I am sorry.  You can play with my things if you want, I love you brother.?
 ?Love you sissy,? Ryan said as he hugged her.  Tabby took his hand and went to her room.  ?Butterfly and I had a talk,? Gil said.
 ?I told her hitting and pushing was wrong and for the rest of the week she had to pick up Ryan?s room too.?
  ?You are getting good at this DADDY thing,? she said smiling.
  Sara had another secret she had not told him, their third child was on it?s way.           


  • Guest
Re: Sara's Secret
« Reply #39 on: June 29, 2009, 08:54:55 PM »
Great chapters! Love the idea of another baby!

billyjorja - My front yard and before dark, because Grissom and I have plans for later that night.  ;) ;D


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Re: Sara's Secret
« Reply #40 on: June 30, 2009, 06:30:17 AM »
Sara is a very brave lady but she knows that Gil will always be there for her.

GSRLOVER34 - Booking my ticket now, I will take over in the early morning   ;) ;)


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Sara's Secret
« Reply #41 on: June 30, 2009, 09:16:04 AM »
Chapter 21

Tabby was letting Ryan play with her pets, she figured she had enough for both of them.  ?Mommy,? she said, ?I think that all my animals should belong to both me and Grasshopper.?
 ?Really?? Sara says.  ?Yeah, he likes them too an that way Daddy dose not have to get more,? Tabby said.
 ?I think that is a good idea,? Sara said.  ?Anyway, I doubt there is room enough for more animals.?
  Gil went to Tabby?s room, ?Come on little man,? he said picking up Ryan, ?It is time to get you ready for bed.?  You too Butterfly.?
 Tabby looked at Gil, ?Ok, can I tell Grasshopper good night after we are both ready??  ?Of course,? he said taking Ryan to his room.
 A little later Tabby came into Ryan?s room.  ?Good night Grasshopper, I am sorry I hurt you and I am real glad I did not kill you.?  She kissed his bandage.
 ?Sissy kisses,? he said holding out his hands to her.  Tabby kissed his cheek.  ?Night nigth,? he said. 
Tabby covered him up then looked at Gil, ?I am lucky.?  ?Why?? he asked.  ?I have you for a Daddy and Ryan for a brother.  If Mommy never found you I would not have either of you.?  Gil picked her up and carried her to her room.  Tucking her in he kissed her goodnight.
 ?Mommy will be in in a minute to say good night,? Gil tells her.  Gil went to their room and put on his pajamas.  Sara shut the door after checking on the children.  Slipping out of her robe she crawled in next to Gil and snuggled close to him. 
 Sara was trying to think of a way to break the news to him.  ?I think I like REBECCA,? he said.  ?Who is Rebecca?? she wanted to know.  Gil propped himself up on his elbow, ?As a name for the baby.? 
?What baby?? she said.  ?Come on Sara Grissom.  I am a CSI, what makes you think I could not figure it out?? he said.  Sara smiled at him, ?Guilty.?  ?How come you did not tell me?? he asked.
 ?I was going to right away but after the last time?.?  A tear filled her eye.  ?I know the miscarriage was hard on you,? he said kissing her forehead.  ?What makes you think it is a girl?? she asked.
 ?I am smart,? he said, ?That and Dr. Greens office called with the results of the amniocentesis.?  ?Gilbert Grissom, you did not figure it out!? she said hitting hi.  ?And image my surprise when the nurse said to tell you that everything was fine with our daughter.  I thought she had the wrong number.?
 ?I think I hate you,? she said smiling at him.  ?I don?t think you do,? he said kissing her as he unbuttoned her pajama top.  ?Maybe I don?t,? she moaned in response to his touch.
 I didn?t think you did,? he said kissing her breasts and running his hand down her stomach and under her bottoms.
 ?I guess I will have to share them again,? he said caressing her breasts.  Sara lift her hips and he slid off her bottoms.  ?Much better,? he said looking at her, ?You are so beautiful.?
 Kissing and touching lead to just where they both wanted it to.  When they had finished Sara lay her head on his chest, they both fell asleep - very happy and well satisfied.
  The alarm woke them both, Gil reached over and turned it off.  He stared to get up but Sara would not let him go, ?We still have a few minutes,? she said, ?I want to just lay here with you.?  Gil did not object, he pulled hr closer to him.
 Neither said anything, they just held each other and enjoyed the warmth of each other.  Smiles crossed their faces as they both could still feel the pleasure of last night.  After about half hour Sara sighed, ?Time to get the day started.  I think we will be invaded soon.? 
Gil looked at the clock, ?Yes.  Last night was fantastic.?  ?We are good together,? Sara said smiling.  She slipped out of the bed and into her pajamas and robe, ?Leann.  REBECCA LEANN,? she said. 
?Nice, I like it? - then he smiled, ?Wonder what kind of nickname Butterfly will come up with this time.?  Sara shivered, ?I am almost afraid to guess.?  There was a soft knock on their door, Tabby pushed open the door, she had Ryan by the hand.  ?Oatmeal,? Ryan said.  ?Sounds good,? Gil said, ?Go to the kitchen and Momma and I will be right down.?     



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Sara's Secret
« Reply #42 on: June 30, 2009, 09:22:26 AM »
Chapter 22

Tabby was on the bus and off to school, Ryan was playing on the floor in the living room.  Sara came in and sat next to Gil, ?I have been doing a lot of thinking.?
 ?About?? he said putting his arm around her.  ?I don?t want to work any longer,? she told him, ?I have Ryan and now with Becca coming, I just don?t want to.  You don?t think it will be a financial burden do you??
 ?Absolutely not,? he told her kissing her.  ?We will be just fine.  There is something I wanted to talk to you about also,? he said.  ?Ecklie said the budget finally allowed him to open the new Forensic Entomology Lab, he has asked me to head it up.  I told him I would talk to you?.? 
That was as far as he got, ?Do it,? she said.  ?We both knew that is where you belong, you will still be working with the rest of the crew, you just will not be their supervisor.?
 ?And you wonder why I love you so,? he said.  At the lab that night Gil and Sara walked into Ecklie?s office.  Gil told him he had decided to take the new position offered him.  Ecklie told him it would take about four months to get everything ready.  Sara told him that she was pregnant and had decided to stop working.
 ?I have a deal for you,? Conrad said, ?You give me four months to get you and Gil replaced and I can offer you a job.?  ?I don?t want to,? she said.  ?This is something you can do at home,? Conrad said. 
?I am listing,? she said.  ?You can run Gil?s research and keep tract of paper work and what not on a special computer I will have installed.?  Sara looked at Conrad, she was suspicious.  ?Why would you do that for me?? she asked him.  ?It is a job that needs to be filled and - Let?s just say I owe you,? he said. 
Sara was not sure why he had all of a sudden become ?human? but she was not about to turn him down.  She agreed.  After work Sara told Tabby about the baby coming, ?You are having a sister this time.?
  ?A sister, how cool.  What are you going to name her??  ?Rebecca Leann,? Sara said.  Tabby was in deep in thought, ?LADYBUG.?  Sara looked at her, ?Ladybug??  ?Yep. REBECCA LEANN ?LADYBUG? GRISSOM.?   Ryan was in the front yard playing with Hank and the other animals, Gil was on the porch watching him.  Sara came outside, ?Ladybug??  ?Remember we were wondering what nickname Tabby would come up with for Rebecca?? she said.  ?Yes,? he said.  ?She just told me - Ladybug.? 
Ryan came running to Sara. ?Mommy.  Look.?  He opened his hand, inside he had a ladybug he had just caught.  Sara looked at Gil and smiled, ?Very nice Ryan.  Now let her go.?  ?Bye-bye buggy,? he said.  ?Misha,? Tabby said as Warrick, Catherine, Lindsay and Misha got out of the car.
 ?Tabby, take Ryan and Misha to Ryan?s room and play,? Sara said.  Tabby took Misha with her right hand and Ryan with her left and headed for the house.  ?The book you wanted is in the  den,? Gil told Lindsay.  ?We could have brought it in tonight,? Sara told Catherine.
 ?That?s ok,? Warrick said, ?Linds wanted it right away.?  ?How about some coffee?? Sara asked.  The four of them went to the kitchen and Sara poured coffee.  They were talking, ?Conrad told us you have decided to head the FE lab,? Catherine said.  ?Yes,? Gil said, ?Is he thinking about you replacing me??
 ?Well he should,? Sara said, ?You know how to run it already.?  ?Thanks Sara,? she said laughing, ?it is to bad your opinion dose not count.?   ?Has Lindsay decided where she wants to go to school yet?? Gil asked.  ?I am still thinking about it,? she said coming in from the den. 
?Thanks for the book,? she said.  Warrick gathered up Misha and they left.  Sara fixed dinner, after they ate the children were bathed and put in their pajama?s.   The family sat on the porch for a while enjoying the sunset.  Ryan yawned, lay his head on his fathers shoulder and fell asleep.  Tabby has her head on Sara?s lap, ?Ryan is such a baby.
 He can?t stay awake after the sun goes to bed.?  Gil carried Ryan to his room and put him to bed.  When Gil came back Sara looked at him, ?Tabby fell asleep too.?  Gil smiled and picked her up, carried her to her room and tucked her in too.  Sara was on the computer when Gil came downstairs, he went behind her and started kissing her neck.  ?No fair,? she said.
  ?I know,? he said.  He took her hand and went to their room.  Kisses and touches served to arouse then both.  He slowly undressed her then eased her to the bed.  His lips found those places on her body that gave her the greatest pleasure.  Her climax was intense.  Their lips meant as he entered her, their movements started out slow, each moving perfectly.
 Soon his need over took his control,  their speed increased, he released himself.  He moved form atop her, she cuddled into her comfy place.  ?I love you,? she said.  ?With all my heart,? he told her.
    Over the course of the  next few months Conrad was unexplainable easy on her, everyone noticed it.  No one knew why.  By time the Forensic Entomology Lab was ready Sara was in her sixth month. 
To commemorate the opening of the lab there was a small ceremony, Conrad introduced Gil and Sara?s replacements, he also officially announced Sara?s new job.  ?Let?s get to work everyone,? Conrad said as he left Gil?s new lab.  Gil had moved all his ?friends? into his new office, he could not be happier.
 He had Sara as his wife, two beautiful children and a third coming in three months.  He was looking around his office when Catherine came in.  ?It looks like you,? she said.
 ?Thanks.  I am sorry that Conrad thought you could not handle the job.?  ?It turns out not to be so bad,? Catherine said, ?Ward has decided to move back east, Conrad has offered me his spot.? 
?Day shift supervisor.  Congratulations,? he told her.  At the same time Sara was looking at the new computer that had just been installed.  She had read over the brochure that came with it and now was experimenting with it.
 Sara could not believe what she had just read, Conrad Ecklie, her uncle?  Sara took the note and wrinkled it, then tossed it out.  This was ONE secret she intended to keep to herself.
 Three months later after an easy delivery Sara gave birth to Rebecca.  The next day Sara was discharged.  At the house Sara was sitting on her bed, she smiling at her second daughter as she suckled at her breast. 
Gil brought Tabby and Ryan in, ?She is so pretty,? Tabby said.  Ryan crawled up on the bed next to his Momma.
 ?Hi baby,? he said as he kissed her forehead.  Tabby crawled up too, ?Now I have a brother and a sister, I am so lucky.?  ?Kiss Momma and Ladybug good night,? Gil said.  After their good nights were said Gil took the other two to bed and tucked them in.
 Sara smiled, ?I am the lucky one.  Never in my dreams did my life turn out so perfect.?           


  • Guest
Re: Sara's Secret
« Reply #43 on: June 30, 2009, 10:12:06 AM »
Great chapters and story. I would keep it quiet too if I found out that Ecklie was my uncle.

billyjorja - You will do no such thing! :P ;)


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Re: Sara's Secret
« Reply #44 on: July 02, 2009, 08:25:46 AM »
This is my all time favourite story.

Who would have thought that Ecklie had a heart.

GSRLOVER34 - Oh yes I will.  I hope he can help me with some of the questions in the competition!!!!!