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Author Topic: Life Is Sweet  (Read 21906 times)


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Re: Life Is Sweet
« Reply #30 on: May 20, 2009, 10:37:14 AM »
Sweet chapter!


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Life Is Sweet
« Reply #31 on: May 21, 2009, 02:43:30 AM »
Chapter 13

Sara had put a lot of thought into naming her children and Gil was glad to let her do it.
  Abigail means ?source of joy? which she was and she was born just as dawn broke.
 Casandra had a special meaning to Sara.  When she first started on the force she had two very good friends - Casey and Sandra - they were both killed in the line of duty.  Sara could not think of a better way to honor her friends memory.
 Holly was Mrs. Kelly?s middle name.  ?After all,? she had told Gil, ?If it were not for her we may have never meant.? 
 ?So what do you have in mind for our little boy?s name?? he asked her the next morning over breakfast.
 ?I love oatmeal,? Abby said, ?Let?s call him oatmeal.?  Everyone laughed.  ?I don?t think oatmeal is a good name for a baby boy,? Sara said smiling at her middle daughter, ?but thank you for your idea.?
 ?Maybe we can call him Gilbert, like daddy,? Amy said.  ?NO!? was all Gil would say. 
?You don?t want your son to be named after you?? Sara said smiling at him.  He just raised his eyebrow, ?No.?
 ?What are you going to call him?? Amy asked her father.  Gil smiled, ?Grasshopper.?  Sara laughed. 
 ?How about Hank?? Abby said.  ?Hank is the dogs name silly,? Amy said, ?How will he know if Momma wants him or the dog??  ?OH,? Abby said.
 Kitten smiled, climbed off her chair and went into the den.  She came back and handed Sara her favorite story book, ?Winnie The Pooh??
  Amy said, ?You can?t call our brother WINNIE.?  Kitten looked at her and said, ?Allen Alexander.?  Gil laughed, A. A. Milne, the man who wrote the book.  Sara smiled, ?Now that would be interesting.?
 Nothing had been decided that morning as far as Grasshoppers name, Sara had to get to work and the girls needed to go to Mrs. Robbins.
 ?I am running late,? Sara said as she kissed the girls and then her husband.  ?I guess I play chuffer,? Gil said rounding up children and backpacks.  The girls safely buckled in the back seat Gil headed off to drop them off.  From the back seat he heard, ?I still like oatmeal.?
 At the lab Judy handed him his messages on his way to his office.  ?Dr. Grissom,? she said, ? Dr. Anderson waiting to see you, I told him it would be alright to wait in your office.? 
Gil thanked her and went to his office.  ?Harvey? Everything all right?? he asked.  ?Can we grab a cup of coffee, I need to talk to you,? Harvey asked.   Gil asked him to give him a minute to hand out the assignments.
 After Gil dispersed his team he came back with two cups of coffee, shut and locked his door and sat down.
 ?Shoot,? Gil said.  ?Is this about Sara or the AF lab?? Gil asked.  ?No,? was Harvey?s reply, ?It is personal.?
 ?If I can help you know I will try,? Gil told him.  Harvey looked at the floor, sipped his coffee then looked at Gil.  ?Flat out is the only way I know how to do this,? he said.  ?Seems to work best for me,? Gil answered wondering what had his friend so upset.
 ?I am not a spring chicken,? Harvey said stating the obvious.  Gil laughed, ?You are a year younger then me so you are not that old either.  Come on, what has you so worked up??
 ?Samantha,? he said.  Gil pushed back his chair and looked at his friend, ?Are you in love with her??  ?Since the minute I was introduced to her 4 years ago,? he said.
 ?Sara had just started to get the AF lab together,? he said thinking back.  ?Her friends form Frisco came in the day after she and I finished getting everything organized.  Sara introduced me to Samantha and sparks flew.? 
Gil had never seen his friends like this before, well not for a long time.  Harvey was married when they first meant, his wife Thelma passed away shortly before Gil and Sara meant from cancer. 
Gil just had to smile, ?So where is the problem?  She is free now.?  When Sammie first moved to Vegas she was seeing a young officer with the SFPD.  He would not transfer to Vegas and the strains of a long distance relationship was more then what they could handle, they decided to call it off.
 ?You are blind aren?t you?? Harvey said, ?She is a beautiful young woman and I am an ugly old coot.? 
 Gil smiled and shook his head, Sammie was Sara?s age.  ?Ugly! For sure.  Old! Not really.  And as far as Sammie?s age, she is a year older then Sara.?  Harvey finally got where Gil was going, ?And you and Sara are making it work.?
 Gil nodded, ?Now I can?t say all relationships like mine and Sara?s will work out but you never know if you don?t try.  Ask her out, I just happen to know she is free this weekend.?
 Harvey looked at his friend, ?I have not felt this way since Thelma.  I honestly thought that part of my life was over.?
 ?Ask her out, the worst thing she can do is say no,? Gil told him.  Harvey stood and thanked Gil, then he left and headed for the AF lab. 
?What are you smiling about?? Sara asked him.  She had came by Gil?s office to see if he was free for lunch.  ?Let me buy you lunch,? he said standing and putting his arm around her waist, ?I have a little secret to share.?
  At the Animal Forensic (AF) Lab Harvey seen Samantha.  ?Hi,? he said.  Sammie smiled at him.  Never had Harvey felt so nervous, ?WLVU Tigers are playing the CCSF Rams this Saturday night.?  He knew she fallowed college football and that the Community College team from Frisco was her favorite.  ?It just so happens that a friend of mine gave me his two tickets for the game.  They are great seats, on the 50 yard line about ten rows up from the side line.  I was thinking we could grab a bite to eat and see the game.?
 He held his breath until she answered, ?Sure.  Would love to.?  She wrote something on a piece of paper, it was her address. 
?Pick me up around 11,? she said smiling at him, ?And I hope you will not be embarrassed.  You know I will be rooting for CCSF.?  ?Me too,? he said as he walked away.
 Sammie plopped back in her chair, ?Damn this is my lucky day.? 
At lunch Gil told Sara his little secret, Sara just laughed.  ?And what is so funny?? he asked.  ?I have one for you,? she said.  ?Sammie told me that next to you, Harv is about the sexiest man she has ever meant.  She wanted me to talk to you to see if there was something you could do to get them together.? 
Gil laughed so hard he about fell off his chair, ?Well I?ll be dammed.?  ?What do you say we go with them?? Gil asked.
 ?What do you say to the fact that we need to leave them alone,? Sara said.  ?Anyway I have plans for our weekend.?  ?Really?? he said, ?Fill me in??  ?Well lets just say you are off, I am off and Mrs. Robbins has agreed to keep the girls.?
 ?MMM, I think I like where this is going,? he said.  ?I plan on making a stop at THE HOT SHOP before I go home,? she said smiling at him.  ?Why?? he asked.  ?Let?s just say I have a fantasy I want fulfilled this weekend.?
 Gil was beginning to like it more and more, the bulge starting to form in his trousers showed it.  He whispered something to Sara, ?So that is why you wear those baggy trousers,? she said smiling at him.
 He just smiled at her, ?Give me a hint,? he begged.  Sara whispered something in his ear, his ?little bulge? became a full blown erection.  Sara smiled as she discreetly placed her hand between his legs and stroked it through his trousers.
 ?It would seem someone likes my idea,? she said smiling at him.  The touch of her hand, even through his trousers, almost caused him to explode.
 Sara kissed his cheek, ?Need to get back,? she said as she walked away. 
Gil did not dare to get up, even with his baggy trousers his problem would be obvious.  He had to think of a way to get rid of it, he smiled.
 ?Ecklie having sex,? he thought to himself, ?That would be enough to kill any hard on.?  And it did.

There is no way I can cut chapter 14 so that it can be posted on this site.  I did post it on fanfiction. (Posted on that board as LOVE IS SWEET)  I do have to tell you that Sara's fantasy is fulled and so is one of Gil's.  Also, Harvey and Samantha spend the night together.  You are free to let your imagination fill in the blanks or go to the other site and read it.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2009, 02:57:38 AM by gsrsbiggestfan »


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Re: Life Is Sweet
« Reply #32 on: May 21, 2009, 06:25:21 AM »
Fantastic, am reading the other version also.


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Re: Life Is Sweet
« Reply #33 on: May 21, 2009, 06:47:14 AM »
I am reading the story on the other site, I see what you mean about not being able to post it here   :o              Great story.


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Re: Life Is Sweet
« Reply #34 on: May 21, 2009, 08:56:48 AM »
Great chapter! Great chapter 14 also.  ;)


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Re: Life Is Sweet
« Reply #35 on: May 22, 2009, 10:23:34 AM »
Chapter 15

Samantha woke as the sun came in her window, she smiled as she felt Harvey?s arm around her still.
 She cuddled a little closer to him, waking him.
?Morning, I did not mean to wake you,? she said as she smiled at him.
 ?I am glad you did,? he said kissing her, ?I wanted to tell you how fantastic you made me feel.?
She kissed his chest, ?You were.?
He blushed, ?I was kind of worried,? he confessed, ?It has been a while and - well an old coot like me might not have what it takes to satisfy a ??
Samantha?s kiss stopped him, ?Age is not a factor, love is. And I have loved you from the moment you took my hand.?
This brought a smile to his face, ?That makes what I have to say a lot easier.?
 She lay her head back on his chest.
?When I lost Thelma I thought my world had come to an end,? he started, ?Time meant nothing to me, life meant nothing to me, I felt I would never love again. When Sara introduced us I started to live again, the touch of your hand, that enchanting smile, I knew right there that I had to have you.?
Samantha lift her head and smiled at him, ?What took you so long??
 He chuckled, ?Fear.?
?Big ole you scared of little ole me?? she said as she quickly straddled him.
 He pulled her to him and kissed her, ?Terrified.?
She sat back, ?Why?? He just looked at her.   ?Oh! The age thing again,? she said smiling at him. He nodded.
She was tracing hearts on his chest, ?When did you stop being afraid??
He reached for and tenderly caressed her face, ?I had a talk with someone who is an expert in ?the age thing?.?
Samantha knew he meant Gil.
?Remind me to thank him,? she said as she kissed him.
 Harvey smiled, ?I have never done this before.?
 ?What?? she said between kisses.
?Made love first thing in the morning,? he told her.
The passion they shared was just as intense as it had been the night before.
Samantha fell forward and lay on his chest, he was panting, trying to get his breathing under control.
?I defiantly should do it more often,? he said, ?That was incredible.?
Samantha sat up and looked at him, ?This was your first time making love that way??
?Yes,? he said, ?And it was mind blowing.?
Samantha giggled, ?If you think that was fun wait until we try...?
She leaned forward and whispered a few of her other favorite positions in his ear. He smiled at the thought of what she had said, he knew now was the time to finish telling her what he had started to.
?I know this is sudden and if you say no I will understand,? he said as he held her.
?I wasted four years getting to this point, I do not want to waste another day. Samantha, I love you, I want to wake with you in my arms, I never want to be away from you again.?
Sammie sat on the bed and looked at him, ?Live together??
?We can,? he said.
Sammie looked at him, confused. ?You don?t want to live together?? she said trying to make since out of what he meant.
?I do,? he said suddenly realizing he had confused her. ?But I did not mean ?live together? what I meant was live together as husband and wife. Samantha, I would be honored if you would become my wife.?
Sammie smiled at him, she had dreamed about this for the last four years.
?I should make you wait for your answer,? she said smiling, ?I mean I waited long enough for you to ask.?
?Fair enough,? he said sitting next to her and wrapping his arms around her.
 ?Ok I made you wait long enough,? she said giggling, ?Yes.?
?Yes?? he said smiling. ?Yes my love,? she said.

Across town in the Grissom house it was not the sun that woke the lovers, it was a dog who desperately needed to pee.
Gil laughed as he slipped on a robe to let the dog out.
?Coffee?? he asked as he headed for the stairs.
 ?Would love some,? she said slipping on her robe too.
Hank finished his business, Gil came into the kitchen to find coffee, juice and muffins on the table.
?Hon, where did you ever come up with that position?? he asked.
?I read about it someplace,? she said smiling, ?Did you like it??
?Like it is not the words for it,? he said grinning, ?Loved it.?
?Speaking of ?loved it?,? she said, ?Your way was fantastic. I could feel every inch of you inside me.?
?I think we need to stick those two on the ?let?s make sure we do it again? list,? he said starting to get aroused again.
Sara noticed the tip of his manhood starting to stick out from his robe.
?You know,? she said standing and walking over to where he sat, ?A picture I seen once before just came into my head.?
Sara opened his robe just far enough to let his throbbing member out, she put one leg on each side of him and lowered her self onto his manhood.
Gil groaned with pleasure, he opened her robe and found her breasts.
 They found that perfect rhythm that experienced lovers know, he pulled her close to him and kissed her as they both achieved their release.
Sara lay her head on his shoulder, her body trembling.
 In his ear she whispered, ?That was fun too.?
?Most assuredly,? he agreed.
Sara suddenly started to giggle, Gil looked at her, she nodded her head. His eyes fallowed the way she was looking and he too started to laugh.
Neither of them had noticed that Hank had been watching them all this time.
 Sara stood and fastened her robe, Hank looked first at her, then at Gil, then at his empty food dish.
Sara was still giggling as she filled his dish.
 ?I can only image what he must have been thinking,? Gil said as he too fastened his robe.
?I should think it might be something along the line of ?Hey, silly humans, I would like to be fed before you get stuck that way?,? Sara said finally able to stop giggling.
Sara had to warm the coffee, ?I think we got just a little distracted,? she said smiling. ?A little?? he said.
The phone rang, Sara answered it, all Gil heard was ?Sure come on over.?
 He looked at her, ?Come on over??
?That was Sammie, she said she needed to talk to me and asked if she could come over if I was not busy.?
?Oh,? Gil said. ?Well I am not,? then she smiled, ?Well I am not now.?
Gil decided it best to get dressed before she got there.
?It would not do to have something stick out of my robe again,? he said.
Sara laughed, ?I believe you are right.?
They both went upstairs and dresses.
While they were waiting the subject of Grasshoppers name came up again.
?I like Kittens idea,? Sara said. ?Allen Alexander?? Gil said.
?Well the Alexander part,? Sara said, ?But I think something else would go better.?
She wrote the name on a piece of paper, ?I like the way it looks,? she said handing the paper to Gil.
"ALEXANDER JAMES,? he said, ?Kind of a big handle I would think.?
Sara smiled, ?Alexander James Grissom, my little AJ.?
Gil gently touched her stomach, ?Alexander James - AJ - Grasshopper Grissom. I hope the boy dose not grow up to hate us.?
Sara laughed. From behind her she heard, ?I know I am funny looking but had no idea I was that funny looking.?
She turned to see Harvey and Sammie standing in the doorway. ?The door was open,? Sammie said.
?How about we grab our coffee and head to the den,? Gil said to Harvey, ?Something tells me the ladies have some ?girl talk? to take care of.?
Both the men took their cups and headed for the den.
 Before he left Gil kissed Sara. Neither of them were surprised when Harvey kissed Sammie.
?I take it THAT is what you needed to talk to me about?? Sara asked Sammie as she poured coffee.
?You will never guess in a million years,? Sammie started.
 Over coffee and muffins Sammie told Sara all about last night - well leaving out the COMPLETE details anyway.
She also told her about Harvey?s marriage proposal.
?You did except?? Sara asked.
?In a New York minute,? Sammie said.
Sara smiled, she never did understand the meaning of that phrase but she did know Sammie?s answer.
?I am so happy for you,? Sara said. ?When??
?Harv and I am talking about that,? Sammie said. ?I have vacation time coming up next month, I think that is when we will get married.?
While the ladies talked in the kitchen the same conversation was going on in the den.
?Well congratulations, old friend,? Gil said, ?I told you that you did not have anything to worry about.? They both laughed.





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Re: Life Is Sweet
« Reply #36 on: May 22, 2009, 11:29:02 AM »
Great chapter!


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Re: Life Is Sweet
« Reply #37 on: May 23, 2009, 06:56:00 AM »
Age is no barrier to love.  My husband was 19 years older than me so I love older men!!!!!!!!


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Life Is Sweet
« Reply #38 on: May 24, 2009, 12:26:18 PM »
Chapter 16

Gil stuck his head in the kitchen door, ?Can a guy get a refill?? he asked holding two empty coffee mugs.
 ?You can join us if you like,? Sammie said indicating that their ?girl talk? was over.
 ?Hey Harvey,? Gil yelled, ?We are allowed back in the kitchen again.?  Harvey came to the door, ?Good, I hope you still have some of those muffins.  I worked up quit and appetite and have not had anything to eat.? 
 Sara winked at Sammie, ?That is not what I hear.?
 Harvey blushed as he sat next to Sammie, ?I see we have no secrets here.?  ?Do you mean to tell me that you and Gil were not talking about the same thing?? Sammie said smiling at him. 
All four of them laughed.  Over coffee and muffins they talked about the wedding and where they would like to go on their honeymoon.
 Then Gil said something to Sammie that took everyone by surprise, ?You know if there is going to be a little Anderson you better get working on it.  That old coot you are marrying is not getting any younger.?  ?Gilbert Grissom,? Sara said.
 ?Well he IS an old coot,? Gil said.  Sara smiled and touched her stomach, ?I would not say anything about ?old coots? fathering a child if I were you.?
 Harvey touched Sammie?s hand, ?It is an easy thing to do when you have a woman as beautiful and sexy as ours.?  ?Dose kind of make it hard to keep your hands to yourself,? Gil said smiling at Sara.
 This brought a smile to Sammie?s face, ?I doubt it was your ?hands? that caused it.?  Gil smiled.  ?His hands was just the foreplay,? Sara said smiling at him.
 ?Enough of this kind of talk,? Harvey said smiling.  ?Dose it embarrass you?? Sara asked.  ?Not at all, it is starting to give me other problems,? he said glancing down at his crouch where a bulge was starting to form.
 The girls laughed, Gil did not, he was starting to develop the same problem.  Gil said something to himself then laughed, ?It works every time,? he said out loud. 
?What are you talking about?? Sara asked.  ?Every time I start to develop a problem at an inappropriate time I just picture Ecklie having sex, fastest way I know of to kill a hard on.?
 Everyone said ?Yuck?.  Harvey smiled, ?It dose work.? 
They moved to the porch - Hank had to pee again.  They were back talking about the wedding again when Sara heard, ?Mommy, Daddy? they were soon attacked by three little girls. 
Sara thanked Mrs. Robbins for keeping the girls as hugs were being given. Amy said, ?Hi Aunt Sammie.?  Then she looked at Harvey, ?Hello,? she said.
 ?Girls,? Sara said, ?This is Harvey Anderson.  He and Aunt Sammie are going to get married.? 
Kitten was the first to move, ?Casandra Grissom,? she said shaking his hand.  ?Kitten for short.?  Then the other two came over, Amy?s mouth was still wide open.  ?I am Abigail - Abby, and this is my sister Amy.? 
He shook each hand, ?And you can call me Uncle Harv if you like.?  Then something caught Abby?s attention, ?Hank!? she screamed and all three ran after the dog.
 ?If I may ask,? Harvey said, ?Why ?Kitten???  Sara smiled, ?When she was first born she made almost a purring sound.  Amy said she sounded like a kitten.?
 ?And this one will be?? Sammie asked.  ?Alexander James,? Sara said, ?AJ for short.?   Gil laughed, ?Grasshopper.?
 ?Grissom and his bugs,? Sammie said.  Harvey looked a little confused.  Sammie explained, ?Amy is Ladybug, Abby is Butterfly and Kitten is Kittypiller.?
 Harvey just laughed, ?I have know Gilbert long enough, I should have been able to figure that one out on  my own.? 
Sammie stood, ?It might be the bosses day off but this slave has to get ready for work, I will see you all later.?  Sara hugged Sammie and Gil and Harvey shook hands, ?See you later,? Sara said. 
Sara lay her head on Gil?s shoulder, ?I am so happy for them.?  ?Me too,? he said, ?Harvey really needs someone in his life.? 
On their way back to her place Sammie said, ?I like Gil?s idea.?  ?What one?? Harvey asked, ?He has so many good ones.?  Sammie flashed him a smile, ?About a little Anderson.?
 Harvey was speechless, ?Did I say something wrong?? Sammie asked as she pulled into her driveway.  ?No,? he said, ?Not at all.  It is just that - Well it is just that Thelma and I wanted children but she was never able to conceive.  We later learned it was because of the cancer.?
 ?I am so sorry,? she said holding him.  ?I would love to have a child,? he said smiling at her. 
Harvey stayed until Sammie had to leave for work, he told her to call him when her shift was over. 
?Hon,? Sammie said handing him a key, ?Why don?t you move out of that studio apartment?  I know it is not big enough to change your mind in, we are going to be married in three weeks so it only makes since.?
 Then she smiled, ?And I don?t want to wake up with out you next to me.?  He pulled her into a kiss, ?I can?t agree with you more.  I will be home when you get off.?
 At the AF lab Tasha and Tabby squealed with joy when Sammie told them about her and Harvey, they wanted details, ?And don?t leave  anything out,? Tabby said.               


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Re: Life Is Sweet
« Reply #39 on: May 25, 2009, 06:18:26 AM »
Great update.


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Life Is Sweet
« Reply #40 on: May 25, 2009, 02:23:09 PM »
Chapter 17

Three weeks later Harvey and Samantha were married in one of the many wedding chapels, they had decided on a cruise to the Bahamas for their honeymoon.
  Tabby and Sara were going over some evidence related to an investigation that Gil and his team were working on.
  Sara stepped back from the table, her whole body quivered.  ?I don?t see why anyone would want to do this to an animal,? she said.
  In the course of an arson investigation Gil had come across several animal carcasses, Sara?s team had determined that they had been killed and burned for, judging by her evidence it was for an animal sacrifice.
  Gil?s investigation determined it the sacrifices were part of a cult ritual, they had been trying to find this group for sometime.
  ?I know what you mean,? Tabby said, ?I just hope we can find these basta?? I mean PEOPLE before they hurt an other animal.?
  Tabatha seldom swore but times like this would almost bring out a curse word or two.
 ?I am going to run this over to Gil,? Sara said, ?You and Tasha head over to Charlie?s I will meet you there and we can have lunch.?
 ?Give him a kiss from me too,? Tabby said smiling.
 Sara just shook her head, giggled and left.
 ?Here is the stuff we have on the Brendon case,? Sara told Gil as she handed him their findings.
  ?Thanks love,? he said.  Then he snickered, ?I mean thanks Sara.?
 He stood and walked over to his door, shut and locked it. 
Then he took her in his arms and kissed her.
 He placed his hand on her growing stomach, ?How is Grasshopper??
 ?Hungry,? Sara said, ?I am meeting Tabby and Tasha at Charlie?s.?
 ?Then I should not keep you,? he said giving her one more kiss.
 Before he removed his hand the baby kicked.   
Gil smiled, ?This is our fourth baby and that still amazes me.?
 ?The other reason I wanted to stop by was I was wondering if you can you pick up the girls,? she asked.
 ?No problem,? he said reaching in his pocket to exchange car keys - her car had the car seats - ?everything ok??
  "I just need to stop at the store.  I am bigger then a house and nothing fits,? she said.
 ?You are beautiful,? he said. 
At four months her pregnancy was more then obvious.
 ?Beautiful my foot,? she said, ?I think I must have gained 10 pounds.?
 Gil kissed her once more before  unlocking his door, ?My love.  You are giving me the most precious gift any woman can give a man, our child.  You are beautiful.?  She smiled at him, kissed his cheek, ?Thank you.  I see you later.? 
Tabby and Tasha had already ordered by time Sara got there.
 ?We got you your usual,? Tabby said, ?Veggie burger and large ice tea.?
 ?Thanks,? Sara said.  While they ate Tabby said, ?I am jealous.?
 ?Of what?? Tasha asked between bites.  ?You two,? she said, ?Sara has Gil you have Danny and I have Snowball (her cat).? 
The other two laughed, ?I thought you were going with Kent?? Sara said.
  ?We were but he had another love, himself.  I tell you he spent more time in front of a mirror then I did,? she said laughing.
 ?Ecklie is free,? Tasha said grinning.  Tabby?s whole body shook, ?Not if he was the last man on earth.?   
Sara grinned, ?I have just the fella for you.?  ?Oh I know who you mean,? Tasha added.  Tabby looked form one to the other ?WHO!?
 ?Bo,? they both said at the same time.  ?Who?? Tabby asked. 
?You know, the new mechanic over at the police garage.?  ?You mean Cherokee?? she asked, ?I have never heard him called anything but that.? 
 Bryant Ward was a full blooded Cherokee from east Tennessee, he claimed to be able to trace his heritage back to a famous Cherokee Indian named Nanye-hi.
 ?He would be perfect for you,? Sara said.  Tabby just laughed.  ?And what is so funny?? Tasha asked.
  ?Jason has been trying to set me up with him for over a month now,? Tabby said.  The girls were just finishing there lunch when a voice said, ?Excuse me.?
 They looked up, it was Bo.  ?Hi Bo,? Sara said, ?You know my friend?s Tasha and Tabby??  ?I have not had the pleasure of meeting Tabby yet,? he said taking the hand she extended to him.
 An idea suddenly popped into Sara?s head, ?Gil and I have two extra tickets to the game tomorrow at WLVU.  Why don?t you and Tabby come as our guests??
 He looked at Tabby and smiled, ?I would love that.? 
?Great,? Sara said giving him all the details. 
?The main reason I came over,? Bo said, ?was to tell you that Mr. Grissom is looking for you.  He said he tried to call but he thinks your phone is off.? 
Sara thanked him and checked her phone, it was off.  Turning it back on she excused herself and called Gil. 
?Watch those WLVU games,? Tasha said smiling, ?You see what happened to Sammie when she and Harvey went.?
 ?I should be so lucky,? she said not being able to keep her eyes off Bo.
 ?Come on girls,? Sara said, ?Gil just said they found another one.?  Sara was referring to the case they were working on.
 ?I will see you tomorrow,? Tabby said to Bo as they left.
 ?Aw love,? Tasha said, ?Ain?t it sweet.?         


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Life Is Sweet
« Reply #41 on: May 27, 2009, 04:51:47 PM »
Chapter 18

The morning of the game Bo and Tabby showed up at The Grissoms house.
 ?Tabby,? Sara said I really feel like crap today, here are the tickets, you and Bo enjoy the game.?  They thanked her and left.
 There really was not anything wrong with Sara, she just wanted Tabby and Bo to have some ?alone time.?
 ?Honey,? Gil yelled, ?Where are our tickets to the game??  Sara looked at him and smiled.
 ?You did not?  Please tell me you did not give out tickets to Tabby and Bo?? 
?It is a beautiful day, wouldn?t you rather go to the park with the girls?? she said smiling at him.
 Damn that smile, it got him every time.
  ?Girls,? Sara called, ?Daddy is looking for someone to go to the park with him.?  Gil was almost immediately attacked by three girls and one dog.  Gil laughed, ?I can see a ballgame anytime, my girls will only be little once.?
 ?Momma, you going too?? Abby asked.  Before she could answer Gil said, ?Yes.?  Sara packed some cold drinks in a cooler along with some fruit.
  ?I wish AJ was here,? Amy said, ?He could play too.?  Gil laughed, ?AJ will have to grow some before he can play at the park. 
Cooler, blanket, first aide kit, Mom, Dad, three girls and one dog were loaded into the family van and headed for the park. 
Gil found a shady place to lay the blanket and helped Sara down, kisses and hugs were given and Daddy, dog and girls headed off to play.  Momma got to sit on the blanket and read. 
Gil loved spending time with his girls, their every move fascinated him.  He had often told Sara how amazing it was that something as slimy as his juices could help to produce something as beautiful as his little lady?s.
 Gil was taking turns pushing the girls on the swings as Hank patiently waited his turn to play catch.  Kitten wanted to slide, Gil stopped her swing and helped her down.
  As she was going toward the slide she tripped and skinned her knee.  Gil picked her up and started toward Sara, ?Hank! watch them,? he commanded the dog.  Hank stood and moved a little closer to the swings.
 Gil carried Kitten to Sara so Mommy could ?doctor? the knee.  Gil decided to grab a drink while he waited for ?Dr. Momma? to finish.  Someone came running to Gil, ?Hey, your dog has someone pinned to the ground.? 
Gil fallowed the man to the swings, sure enough Hank had a man pinned down, each time the man moved Hank would growl at him.  ?Get this mutt off me before I sue,? the man yelled.
 ?Hold him,? was Gil?s command to the dog. The man tried to tell Gil that he was just passing by the swings when the dog attacked him for no reason.  Gil knew Hank would only attack if the girls were in danger.  Amy ran to her father, he grabbed my arm and hurt me,? she said showing him a place that already started to burse.
 ?Kids hurt themselves all the time.  Get this damn dog off me!? the man said.  By this time Jim showed up, Sara had called him ?just incase.?  With Jim standing there Gil felt it safe to call off Hank, ?Hank, back,? Gil said.  Once again the man said he had done nothing wrong, when Jim asked for ID the man ran, ?Get him? Gil told Hank. 
It took  no time for Hank to once again have the man pinned down.  Jim cuffed him, took out his wallet and checked his ID.  ?Aw, Mr. Flint.  You remember him don?t you Gil?? Jim asked.
  Alvin Flint had been released from prison just three months ago after serving time for molesting a little neighbor girl.  ?I believe part of your probation was that you were not to be anywhere children are, like a city park,? Jim said as he led him away.
 ?Hank, you are a hero,? Amy said as she hugged the dog.  Gil laughed.  ?All right, fella,? Gil said, ?Let?s go play catch.?  Gil grabbed the ball and soon the girls were taking turns tossing it for him.
 A lady walked up to Gil, ?You are very lucky to have him,? she said looking at Hank.  Gil could not agree more.
  ?Let?s go find Momma and get something to drink,? Gil said.  They all raced to the blanket and took turns telling Sara about the scary man and how Hank was a hero for protecting them.
  The family had their snack and relaxed under the tree for a while, Hank stretched out and the girls all lay close to him.  Gil put his back against the tree and Sara rested her head on his lap, they were both reading.
 Suddenly Sara started to giggle, Gil looked at her.  ?What is so funny?? he asked.  She sat up and whispered in his ear, ?I was just wondering what your reaction would be if I were to unzip your trousers and do it right here.? 
Gil?s eyes got as wide as saucers, his face turned beet red, Sara laughed, ?That is just what I thought you would do.? 
The rest of the day the family spent doing little things together, that night Gil bathed and tucked three very sleepy girls in bed.  In their room Sara was sitting on the bed, ?We are not at the park any longer.?
 Gil smiled and started to lay next to her.  ?No,? she said, ?Stand in front of me, it is easier that way.?  Sara expanding abdomen made it hard for her to make love to him that way if she was laying on the bed. 
Gil smiled as he let his pajama bottoms fall to the floor.  Sara?s touch sent shivers throughout his whole body. 
  Over the years they had been together Sara knew just what to do to make it last, she had brought him to the point where he was begging her to finish.
 ?Sara, please,? he begged.  She smiled, and gave him the release he needed. 
Gil plopped on the bed, his body shaking, ?God how I love that,? he said pulling her to him, ?And how I love you.? 
 Sara smiled, ?My turn.?  Gil started with tiny kisses on her face then moved to her breasts, tenderly sucking each nipple.  He made a path of kisses to her stomach where he stopped and smiled. 
?I think Grasshopper dose not want me down here,?  he said as the baby kicked him.
 ?Momma wants you down there,? Sara said. 
?What Sara wants, Sara gets,? Gil said as he moved between her legs and made love to her.             


  • Guest
Re: Life Is Sweet
« Reply #42 on: May 27, 2009, 04:56:33 PM »
Great 2 chapters, Of course Gil gives Sara what ever she wants.  I like the way you made Hank the hero, Good boy Hank.  Am interested to find out what happensbetween Bo and Tabby.


  • Guest
Life Is Sweet
« Reply #43 on: June 01, 2009, 05:25:55 PM »
Chapter 19

Gil and Sara had enjoyed their day with their daughters, while Bo and Tabby were also enjoying their day together.
  The ballgame was a close one, the home team won by only a few points.
  After the Bo and Tabby went to get something to eat, over their meal they talked, she wanted to get to know him.
  ?Not much to tell,? he said.  ?I was born and raised in Gatlinburg, Tennessee.  Well just outside of the city limits.
 My family has a cabin in the Smoky Mountains, I still go back there every once in a while.  I am the oldest of 10, all boys but the baby, Momma said she would not stop until she had a girl.?
 This made Tabby giggle.  ?I went into the Air Force after high school, that is where I learned auto mechanics.  After the Air Force I decided I wanted to travel, I visited almost every state in the country and just kinda fell in love with the desert so I settled here.  A friend of mine got me the job.?
 ?How about women?? Tabby asked, ?Any one special in your life??  ?There was,? he said, ?We were engaged.  Her parents found out I was a Native American and they forbid her to see me.  I begged her to come with me but she said she would be removed form their will  if she disobeyed them, I guess her love of money was stronger then her love for me.?
 ?Now you know all about me, how about you?? he asked.
 Tabby smiled.  ?Army brat,? she said, ?Dad was stationed in Korea when he meant Mom, they married and nine months latter I was born.  I have three brothers and two sisters.
 We came back to the US and Dad was stationed in Fort Irwin.  Mom about freaked when I told them I wanted to go into law enforcement, I meant Sara and Tasha and Sammie while I was in the adamancy. 
Sara got us interested in CSI and with our love for animals, well when the lab decided to fund Animal Forensic Lab we all jumped at the chance to sign up.  The three of us moved here and went in together to rent a place.?
 Then she giggled, ?Well it is only the two of us now that Sammie is married.?  ?And fella?s?? Bo asked.  Tabby grinned, ?Never anyone special.  A few boyfriends but nothing serious.  Tasha says I am to picky.?  ?To picky?? he says.  ?Yeah, I want more out of a relationship then just sex, not that I don?t enjoy it, it is just that - well - it is just that there are to many men that sex is ALL they want.?
 Bo said, ?Believe me when I tell you that men are not the only ones.?  Tabby laughed, ?I know.  I went to school with several like that, they were as bad as the boys.?
  They spent the rest of the day sightseeing.  The sun was setting when Bo said, ?I guess I should get you home.?  She invited him in for a nightcap, ?I have never felt so comfortable with anyone,? she told him.  ?I know,? he said.
 He cleared his throat, ?I guess I should go.?  Tabby took his hand, ?Only if you want to.?  ?I told you I don?t do one nighters,? he said as he kissed her.  Tabby smiled, ?Neither do I.?
 Bo reached and locked the door, turned off the lights and fallowed her to her room.  ?Nervous?? he asked her.  ?No,? she said as she slowly undressed.  He pulled her to him and kissed her, their tongues dancing around each others.
 He pulled away, ?Shit!?  Tabby looked at him, ?What is wrong?  I thought you wanted to??  ?I do,? he said, ?It is just that ?. I don?t have any ?. protection.?
  Tabby smiled, ?I can take care of that.?  She pulled on a robe and left the  room.  A little later she came back, locked her bedroom door  and handed him a box of condoms. 
She smiled, ?Tasha left them behind when she moved out.?  ?Where were we?? Bo said sliding her robe off.  ?Here I believe,? she said kissing him. 
He never broke from the kiss as he lift her to the bed, his hands exploring her body as he moved to her breasts.  ?My God you are so beautiful,? he said.  He
 moved between her legs, his tongue found her button.  She moaned as he touched her.   Useing his fingers and tongue he brought her to an explosive climax.
  He moved so he was next to her, she kissed his chest as she took his manhood in her hand, she stroked it tenderly.  He groaned with the pleasure it was bringing.  She stopped.  Bo was confused, ?Why did you stop??  ?I want to taste you,? she said kissing him. 
?I have never ??  ?I won?t if you don?t want to,? she said looking at him.  ?Please,? he said.  Tabby smiled and went to his manhood.   Bo was gasping, trying to catch his breath, he had never felt anything so sensual, so completely pleasing.   Bo was near a climax, Tabby took one of the condoms and gently put it in place, she mounted him and guided his manhood in to her.
 Already about to burst from what she had done to him it took him almost no time to release himself.  Tabby fell forward and lay on his chest, they were both trying to control their breathing.  She rolled from him and nestled in his arms.  ?I have NEVER felt anything so fantastic,? he said referring to what she had done to him.  Tabby smiled, ?You think that was good wait a little while and I will show you something that will really blow your mind.
  Bo had no idea what she meant.  When they had rested she went back to his manhood, this time when he was ready to release himself she stayed.
 Bo was panting and groaning and trembling with pleasure.  ?Was I wrong?? she asked him.  He smiled, ?Mind blowing is not the word for it.?  The next morning Tabby woke still wrapped in his arms.
 Across town, Gil woke Sara.  ?Everything alright?? she asked, he never woke her, he always let her sleep.  He kissed her, ?Your husband has a problem that only you can take care of.?  As he cuddled closer to him she could feel his manhood against her thigh, it was already hard and demanding attention.  Sara smiled, ?If he - she touched his manhood - can wait for just a minute I will gladly tend to his needs.? 
She crawled out of bed and went to the bathroom.  Gil smiled, frequent trips to the bathroom was one of the drawbacks of her expanding uterus.  She had often said that she could swear the baby sat on her bladder. 
Coming back to the room she found the bed empty, ?Over here,? he said.  Sara smiled, Gil was sitting on the chair.  They had found out that making love while he was sitting on the chair was a lot easier, especially as her pregnancy advanced.  ?Oh, that is the way you want it?? she said.  She walked over to him and started to sit facing him.  Gil took her waist and turned her around, he guided himself in her as she straddled him. 
After he entered her she sat on his lap with her back to him, he reached his hands around her and massaged her nipples and she rocked back and forth on his member.  They both climaxed at the same time.  Gil pulled her close to him, ?I love you.?


  • Guest
Re: Life Is Sweet
« Reply #44 on: June 01, 2009, 06:27:49 PM »
Great chapter!