Chapter 11
The next morning over breakfast Gil and Sara were talking about the nursery, now that they knew ?bug? was going to be a girl there was some decisions to be made.
They talked about wallpaper, furnishings and what not. ?I guess we need to talk about the most important decision,? Sara told him. ?Aw yes, her name,? Gil said smiling.
?I think LADYBUG would get a lot of ribbing from classmates.? Sara went to her desk and pulled out a list of names that she had been working on, Gil carefully looked them over.
?Interesting,? he said, ?But the one I want is not on there.? ?That would be?? she asked. ?SARA,? he whispered as he held her close.
Sara smiled at him, ?Heaven no! I have always hated my name, I would not want to saddle a child with it.? Gil laughed.
?Well then I think I like,? he looked at the names again, ?I think I like this one.? Sara smiled, it too was her favorite.
?I went on the net and researched names,? Sara told him. ?AMY is French is origin and means ?dearly beloved?.?
Gil smiled at her. ?We can use this one with it.? Sara agreed that LEANN, which her research showed meant ?beautiful woman? would go perfectly together.
?So she is no longer Ladybug?? Sara said to Gil. He kissed her cheek, ?Not on your life. She will always be MY ladybug.? Sara laughed. ?AMY LEANN (LADYBUG) GRISSOM, what a beautiful name.?
As they were driving to the lab Sara wanted to bring the subject of Dr. Anderson back up, she was eager to find out if Gil what going to say about their talk.
?We never did get around to your conversation with Harvey,? she said. Gil smiled, ?No we did not. He just wanted to tell me he was retiring. He wants to come to Vegas, he has never been here.?
?He is welcome to the guestroom,? Sara said. As they pulled in the parking lot Gil said, ?Harvey has agreed to fill in for you while you are on maternity leave, he also agreed to take a part time job as your advisor. Any problems and you can contact him? Gil said, ?Conrad thinks this is a good idea.?
?That will be great,? Sara said. ?As a matter of fact I am surprised they did not ask him to head the department, he defiantly has the credentials.?
Standing at her door Gil smiled at her, ?Well he was their first choice but he turned them down because he wants to retire form full time work.?
Sara pretended to pout, ?Oh now I see. I am second best.? Gil pulled her into his arms and kissed her, ?Not in my eyes.? Sara smiled at him, ?Scram before you get us both in trouble.?
Sara looked at the messages that Judy had handed her on her way in, one was from Tasha, it read ?Tabby and Sammie are on board too - start the paperwork - will see you this weekend.?
Sara let out a soft squeal of delight, she could not wait to see her friends again. Back in his office Nick asked how Sara was coming. ?Getting settled in,? Gil said.
?She has asked three of her friends from San Francisco to join her team and Dr. Harvey Anderson will be her advisor and replacement.?
Catherine?s eyes popped wide open, ?Isn?t he

? Gil quickly stopped her, Catherine was the only other person who knew how Sara got the supervisors position.
Gil passed out assignments and asked Catherine to stay. ?Sara is not to know,? he told her. ?But?.? Catherine started to say. Gil looked at her, ?Sara is not to know. I told her that Harvey was first choice but he turned it down, that is all she needs to know.?
?So you do not intend to tell them he was their ONLY choice?? Catherine said. ?No,? he replied. Catherine turned and walked away.
Everyone from Ecklie up had wanted Dr. Anderson to head the new department, when he turned it down they had all but decided to pull the funding for it.
Gil?s suggestion of Sara was immediately turned down, it was only when he threatened to turn in his notice, and his promise that Dr. Anderson would take an advisory position, that they agreed to let her try.
It was not that Sara was not qualified for the position, it was just that they thought she was to young and needed a little more experience. Gil had told them that experience comes with time, no one has all the experience they need when they first start a new job.
Gil took off his glasses and lay them on his desk, he looked at the picture of Sara. ?This is what my Sara wants,? he said to himself, ?and if it is at all in my power, Sara will have what ever makes her happy.?
?Gil,? the sound of her voice snapped him out of his thoughts, ?Tasha, Tabby and Sammie have all agreed to come. I am on my way to human resources not to start the paper work. Isn?t that fantastic!?
She blew him a kiss and headed down the hall. Gil had never seen her so excited about anything, well except the baby.
He smiled, he knew he had made the right decision, his Sara was happy.