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Author Topic: Life Is Sweet  (Read 21905 times)


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Re: Life Is Sweet
« Reply #15 on: May 15, 2009, 12:42:45 PM »
Am reading this over on the other board too.  I like both versions.  Keep up the great job.


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Re: Life Is Sweet
« Reply #16 on: May 15, 2009, 07:53:25 PM »
Great chapter!


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Re: Life Is Sweet
« Reply #17 on: May 16, 2009, 06:02:17 AM »
Me too.



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Re: Life Is Sweet
« Reply #18 on: May 16, 2009, 08:35:21 PM »
Chapter 8 is a short one because I had to edit it for the general reader.  That is why I decided to post chapter 7 and 8 together. 

Chapter 7

Gil passed out assignments and then went to Ecklie?s office.
  ?What is your problem with Sara?? he asked.  Ecklie looked at him.
  ?She told me what you said,? Gil told him.  He left out his phone call from Hodges, not wanting to get him into trouble.
 ?She is a trouble maker and I don?t want her in my lab,? Conrad told Gil.  ?Marvin Jones called me and told me all about her,? Conrad said then he threw down some papers, ?He also faxed me a copy of her jacket.? 
Gil picked it up.  ?I intend to put it on file here,? Conrad said.
 ?You can?t,? Gil told him, ?You can?t put anything in her jacket that did not happen here.? 
?Let her screw up just once,? Conrad said, ?and I will have her ass fired.  I have eyes all over the building.?
 Gil turned and walked away, he was reading the file and not paying attention to where he was walking, he bumped into Sara, all the evidence she had in her hand hit the floor.
 ?Damn it!? she said.  ?Sorry,? Gil said as he helped her pick it up.  Sara smiled, ?Noting is messed up it is ok.  You should learn to watch where you are walking, you might hurt someone.?
 ?That evidence is contaminated,? Ecklie yelled.  Gil looked at him, ?No it is not and you know it.  There was nothing breakable and  the plastic bags did not open.?  Ecklie slammed his door, he hated it when Gil was right.
 Over the next six months Sara?s bond with the rest of the team grew, more then once she had gone above and beyond in her job performance.
 Ecklie still would not get off her back, he tried every way he could to make whatever she had done look bad, that was one reason why Gil never let her do a solo, he wanted to make sure that if Ecklie said anything to his supervisors there would be someone to back up Sara?s story.
 Ecklie road the team too, Sara knew it was because of her.  He would give them all the dirtiest assignments, make them work doubles to cover for days, one time he even credited days with an arrest that graves put together.
  Sara knew this was bothering Gil, she also knew she had to do something about it, she went looking for Ecklie.  She did not want to request a transfer but if that is what it took to bring peace back to graves, then she would.
 David told Sara he had seen Ecklie head for the basement, that is where Sara went.  Sara went into the only room she saw a light on she stopped when she thought she heard voices.
 Very quietly he headed for the voices.  She found Ecklie, one of the janitors and two men from days playing cards for money.
 Gambling was legal in Nevada but it was not allowed on company time.  Sara smiled, she took out her camera and took several pictures, then she left.
 Later she seen Ecklie in his office, without knocking she walked in.  ?You are going to back off me and the team,? she told him matter-of-factly.  ?Oh I am?? he said, ?What makes you think that??  ?Because if you don?t I will see to it that the sheriff gets these,? Sara said showing Ecklie the pictures.  ?Get the hell out of my office,? he said.  Sara knew she had won.
 At the house that night Gil had remarked her much Conrad had changed, Sara just smiled, for now she had a secret, she was debating rather to tell Gil or not.  She took his hands, ?Let?s go to bed.  I have kept my hands off my husband for way to long and I need him.?  Gil chuckled, ?I know just what you mean.?

Chapter 8

Gil had some paper work to finish before they could leave work so Sara stayed with him.  It has been two weeks since her run in with Ecklie, she figures she must have scared him because he is at least acting civil to her and the team.
 ?Hon,? she said, ?There is something I need to talk to you about.?  Gil set down his pen and glasses, ?I am all yours,? he said smiling at her. 
Sara precedes to tell him about what happened in the basement, the pictures and her ?talk? with Conrad.  ?So that is why he is being a good boy,? Gil said grinning.  ?I hope you are not upset that I did not tell you sooner,? she said.  ?I can never be angry with you,? he told her taking her hand.
 ?Let?s get out of here.?  They went to dinner and then back to the house.  Gil had started the fire in the fireplace and they were both relaxing on the couch.
 ?I was wondering something,? Sara said, her head on his shoulder.  ?What?? he asked her.  ?You know the spare room, the one that has all the junk in it?? she said.  ?Yes,? he said, ?Is there something you would like to do with it??
 ?Well yes,? she said, ?I was thinking it would make a perfect nursery.?  Gil looked at her, ?Are you??  She just nodded.  ?For sure?? he asked.
 They had had several false alarms.  ?I went to see the doctor yesterday on my day off,? she told him.  ?He confirmed it.  I am 6 weeks.?
 Gil pulled her into a bear hug, ?I am so happy.?  He kissed her.  Then he asked, ?I guess there are certain things you can?t do now.?  She handed him a list of DO?s and DON?T?s.  ?If you notice THAT is on the DO side,? she said smiling at him and taking his hand. 
?So shall we?? she asked.  He smiled, that was one thing she never had to ask more then once for.
 In their room his lips found hers, they undressed each other as they kissed.  Gil tenderly lift her and lay her on the bed.  His lips left her mouth and found her breasts.
  He made a trail of kisses from her breasts to her button.  She moaned at each touch, her body shivered with excitement.   Sara?s soft moans had quickly become screams of pleasure.  She released her juices.
  He moved back to her lips and kissed her as he entered her, his manhood throbbing with his need for her.  He smothered her face with kisses and he caressed her face.   He reached the point where the pleasure he was feeling over took everything else.  She called his name as she reached a second climax, he whispered hers as he reached his slightly after.
 He moved himself down and lay with his head on her chest.  Slowly he roll from atop her.
  ?I love the way we taste,? she told him as she found her comfy spot.  Sara drifted off to sleep, Gil lay awake a little while thinking about her. 
He smiled to himself when he remembered when it was not that long ago that the thought of oral sex turned him off, now he could not get enough of it. ?I guess it just had to be the right woman,? he said to himself.  Sleep soon found him also.


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Life Is Sweet
« Reply #19 on: May 18, 2009, 10:47:30 AM »
Chapter 9

The next day at the lab Sara shared their good news with the rest of the team.  ?How long can you stay in the field?? Nick asked. 
?The doctor said until I was four months but some pigheaded supervisor that I know and love (she added smiling at Gil) said I had to be out of the field by three.? 
Warrick laughed, ?Well we can?t have you go chasing the bad guys around with a four month belly sticking out now can we.?  Sara smiled, ?Gil?s words exactly.?
 ?And,? Gil added, ?If she started to show before three months I will pull her them.? 
To Catherine she said, ?He wants me out of the field now.?  Catherine looked at her, ?I can?t blame him, you should be out of the field now.?
 With that said Catherine snatched her assignment from Gil?s hand and started to walk away.  ?Don?t put her with me, I will not be responsible for the baby.? 
Sara looked at Catherine then at Warrick.  ?She lost one shortly after she started,? Warrick said.  ?Her doctor said the same thing yours did.  A suspect fleeing the scene tripped her and she miscarried.  She has never forgot it.? 
Sara looked over at Gil, he just nodded then walked away.  All shift Sara thought about what Warrick had said.  Sure accidents can happen anywhere, but here with the kind of work she was doing.
 Before they left for the house Sara handed him a paper.  ?What is this?? he asked as he took it from her.  He smiled, it was her formal request to be relived of field work until after the birth of their child.
 ?Sara I?? he said.  ?I know,? she said.  ?What Catherine said made a lot of since to me.  I have waited so long to become a mother.? 
Despite rules he took her in his arms and kissed her.  ?I will have a sever case of cabin fever before this is over with but it is what is best for our baby.? 
Gil laughed.  ?I have the perfect place for you,? he said.  She looked at him and smiled a devilish smile.  ?Besides there,? he said smiling at her.  ?I just received this memo,? he said. 
?The city is trying a forensic lab for animals.  They are thinking that if they separate the human and animal evidence it might speed things up.  It is only a trial thing but it is right up your alley.?
 Sara smiled at him, ?Maybe the next seven months will not be so bad after all.? 
At the house they talked more about the nursery and the new position she would be taking starting tomorrow. 
?When will we know if bug is a boy or girl,? Gil asked her.  He refused to refer to the baby as IT.  ?The doctor said he can do a sonogram on my next visit, we may be able to know then.? 
Gil stood and took her hand, ?Now my love, it is time that you and I and bug got to bed.?  Gil undressed and lay on the bed with his eyes closed. 
Sara came from the bathroom, slipped off her robe and lay next to him.  ?Sleepy?? she asked kissing him her hand gently stroking his manhood.  ?Not anymore,? he said.  How he loved it when she made love to him that way. 
 He was sure it was the hormones from the pregnancy that made her like she was but she just could not get enough.  ?I think I may die a happy man before this child is delivered,? he thought to himself as waves of passion raked his body from what she was doing to him. 
She stopped just short of his release, ?I want you inside me,? she whispered.  Gil pulled her to him, gently lay her down and just as gently entered her.  Immediately screams of pleasure filled the room.
 Gil controlled his speed and depth as he brought her to a climax just as he reached his. 
  Sara found her comfy spot and  fell asleep in his arms.  Gil smiled, ?Looks like bug is not the only one who has a comfy place to sleep.


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Re: Life Is Sweet
« Reply #20 on: May 18, 2009, 02:19:16 PM »
Great sweet chapter!


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Re: Life Is Sweet
« Reply #21 on: May 19, 2009, 08:38:21 AM »
Sara and bug in a comfy place, sweet.


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Re: Life Is Sweet
« Reply #22 on: May 19, 2009, 12:04:05 PM »
Just caught up, so happy they are going to be a baby


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Life Is Sweet
« Reply #23 on: May 19, 2009, 04:21:23 PM »
Chapter 10

Sara was starting her fourth month.  She was nervous as she sat on the exam table, she had spotted some the night before.  Her doctor came in, she told him why she felt she needed this earlier appointment.
  ?Let?s check things out,? he told her.  After the exam he said, ?Everything is fine.  A little spotting is normal.?  She asked if he could do the sonogram, ?You were going to do it next week anyway??
  He smiled, ?Daddy want?s to know if he is going to have a son to pass on the family name to??  ?No.  Momma wants to give him a son, Daddy wants a girl,? Sara said laying back.  The jel was applied, ?Darn that stuff is cold,? Sara said smiling at him.  ?Do you have names yet?? the doctor asked.
 ?Yes, Ladybug and Grasshopper,? Sara said smiling.  The doctor looked at her, ?You are joking I hope??  ?We have not decided on a name until we know the gender.  Gil just has decided on the nickname,? she said smiling.  The doctor moved the wand around a little and pushed at Sara?s belly.
 ?Ah there we are,? he said taking some pictures.  He put his hand on the screen and was ready to turn it so she could see.
  ?Daddy wants a girl?? he said.  Sara said he did.  ?Well you can tell Daddy he has a Ladybug,? the doctor told her as he pointed to the part that made her a little girl.  ?No doubt about it,? he said.  Sara smiled and thanked him, she took the picture and went back to the lab.
 ?Judy,? she said to the receptionist, ?Have you see Gil??   ?He said to tell you he was in the field and he would see you when he got back.  He also said he left something in your lab.?
 ?Thanks,? Sara said walking to her lab.  HER lab, it still sounded funny to her.  She was really enjoying the new forensic animal lab - or the cage as some of them referred to it.  She knew the trial period was almost over and a decision would be made soon about the lab.   
Sara hoped that the city would keep it and she would be left in charge.  She went to her desk, sitting on the desk was a note sitting on top a larger brown envelope and  plant. 
The plant was nothing new, Gil had made arrangements with a local florist to have a fresh plant delivered every other day.  She opened the note, TO THE ONE WHO HAS BROUGHT OUT WHAT WAS MISSING IN ME, WHO MAKES ME A COMPLETE PERSON.  TO THE ONE WHO HAS MADE ME THE HAPPIEST MAN ALIVE, THIS IS A LITTLE SOMETHING FOR YOU.
  Sara opened the larger envelope.  She screamed for joy as she read the papers it contained.  ?I thought it would make you happy,? Gil said standing behind in her doorway.  She almost flew to his arms and hugged and kissed him.
  ?Hey, hey,? he said, ?No public displays of affection.?  ?Is it true?  I mean really true?? she asked.  He nodded.
 ?The city has decided that the Forensic Animal Lab will be a valuable addition and that you are best qualified to head it,? he told her smiling at her.  He thought she looked like a child on Christmas day.
 The rest of the team walked in her office and congratulated her.  Catherine handed her a name plate for her desk,  SUPERVISOR Sara Grissom, it read.  They all hugged, Greg handed out champagne for everyone except Sara, she got apple juice.  Nick raised his glass, ?To Sara and her new adventure.?
  ?While you are all here,? Sara said.  ?I want to share a bit of news.  I went to the doctor today, everything is fine.?  She said that mainly for Gil, he too had worried about the spotting.  ?We are having a little girl,? she said handing the picture to Gil.
 He pulled her into his arms, ?Thank you.?  Sara smiled at him, ?Why are you thanking me?  It is the sperm that determines the sex of the child not the egg.?  He looked down toward his crouch, ?Well then thank you.?  Everyone laughed.  Sara whispered something in his ear, he blushed.
  ?OH someone gona get some tonight,? Warrick said.  Catherine slapped at him, ?And someone is NOT going to if he dose not shut his big mouth.?  Warrick did the ?lock my mouth and throw away the key? jester.  This too brought a laugh.
 ?Ok everyone,? Gil said, ?We have work to do and so dose the new supervisor.?  ?Aw paperwork,? Sara said.  ?The one thing I knew I would not like about this job.?  Inside the large brown envelope was a list of her duties and responsibilities.  One of the things she needed to do was hire an some help.  Sara knew just who she wanted and it just so happened that her first pick was free.  Sara called Tasha Bennett, her friend form San Francisco.
 ?Tash,? Sara said, ?I have a proposition for you and Tabby and Samantha.?  She explained about the new lab and the porpoise for it.  ?I am game,? Tasha said, ?I can get hold of Tabby and Sammie and see if they are interested.?   ?Call me,? Sara said, ?and I will get the paper work started.
 Her phone rang it was Harvey Anderson, Gil?s professor friend, he was looking for Gil.  Sara gave him Gil?s number.  ?I hear congratulations are in order,? he said.  ?We are very happy about the baby,? Sara said assuming that was what he was talking about.  ?I meant your new position,? he said.  ?How did you know?? Sara asked him.  No one knew about the final decision.
 ?Do you remember what I told you back when you and Gil first got married??  Sara thought, then his words came to her - he had said: ?Your husband is  the number 1 forensic entomologist in the state of Nevada,  number 3 in the United States and number 5 in the world.  He can write his own ticket where ever he wants to work.  He chose Las Vegas and he can quickly change his mind.?   ?Yes, I do,? she told him.  ?As I remember you said:  ?So Dr. Gilbert Grissom gets what he wants.?   ?I did,? Sara said.  ?And I replied: ?99% of the time,? Harvey said.  Now it became clear to Sara, Gil had pulled the strings and seen to it she had her job.
 ?I take it you were there first choice?? Sara said.  ?I was,? he told her, ?but I would have turned it down anyway.  I am retiring in a couple of months.?  ?Dr. Anderson,? Sara said, ?Please do not mention this to Gil.?
 ?I will not,? he assured her, ?If he wants you to know he will tell you.  Oh by the way, congratulations on the baby too.? 
Sara sat at the desk, Gil had always told her he would do anything in his power to make her happy.  She smiled, ?And when we get home I am going to do everything I know how to do to make him happy.? 
She left the lab early to see to it that everything was ready for when her husband came home.  She had fixed his favorite dinner, had clean silk sheets on the bed and took a long bubble bath in the lilac bath bubbles he so liked.  Then she slipped on his favorite teddy.  ?What did I do to deserve this?? Gil asked when he got to the house.  Sara just smiled, ?I told you we could properly thank HIM for the little girl.?
 He pulled her to him and kissed her as he caressed her breasts through the teddy.  Sara stepped away, ?Dinner first.?  She had placed the food and wine on a blanket on the floor in front of the fireplace.  They ate and talked about the events of the day.  Gil did not mention anything related to the conversation she had had with Dr. Anderson.
 ?Harvey called,? she said.  ?Yes I talked to him,? Gil told her moving the dishes out of the way.  ?But he is not what is on my mind.?  Gil grabbed a pillow off the couch. Gently he lay her back letting her head rest on the pillow.
 He kissed her breasts, letting the silk touch his lips.   Then he gave her a devilish smile.  He pulled a cushion from the couch and placed it under her hips.  After removing her panties her womanhood was just in the perfect place. He touched her in places that brought her pleasure.  How that excited her, what started as soft moans of approval turned to screams of passion and need.  Gil continued to make love to her that way until she reached her climax.  After  he knelt and grabbed her butt, he lifted it a little more and entered her.
 Never before had they made love this way, the depth his manhood could reach inside her excited him more then he could image.  She wrapped her legs around his waist trying to pull him deeper inside her.  He was lost in the pleasure he was receiving, nothing else mattered to him.  He moved inside her faster and harder then he had ever done before.
 Sara was panting, screams of excitement and pleasure coming form her mouth as she climaxed a second time.  This was all it took, he released himself.  He lay forward, his head on her belly.  Ladybug kicked him.
 It was then that logic came back to him.  ?Sara, I did not hurt you did I?  It was feeling so great that I forgot.?  He kissed her belly.  ?No love,? she said assuring him, ?It was a wonderful for me as it was you.?
 He fell to the floor and cuddled her in his arms.  ?I think Ladybug liked it too.  That was just her way of saying ?thank you?.? 
 They lay on the floor for a while.  Gil took her hand and helped her up.  Round two would be on the clean sheets Sara had put on the bed.


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Re: Life Is Sweet
« Reply #24 on: May 19, 2009, 09:14:01 PM »
Great story, I am reading it on the other site too.  keep up the good job


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Re: Life Is Sweet
« Reply #25 on: May 19, 2009, 08:55:34 PM »
Great chapter!


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Re: Life Is Sweet
« Reply #26 on: May 20, 2009, 06:19:31 AM »
Bet the sheets got dirty!!!!!


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Life Is Sweet
« Reply #27 on: May 20, 2009, 10:00:14 AM »
Chapter 11

The next morning over breakfast Gil and Sara were talking about the nursery, now that they knew ?bug? was going to be a girl there was some decisions to be made.
 They talked about wallpaper, furnishings and what not.  ?I guess we need to talk about the most important decision,? Sara told him.  ?Aw yes, her name,? Gil said smiling. 
?I think LADYBUG would get a lot of ribbing from classmates.?  Sara went to her desk and pulled out a list of names that she had been working on, Gil carefully looked them over.
 ?Interesting,? he said, ?But the one I want is not on there.?  ?That would be?? she asked.  ?SARA,? he whispered as he held her close.
 Sara smiled at him, ?Heaven no! I have always hated my name, I would not want to saddle a child with it.?  Gil laughed.
 ?Well then I think I like,? he looked at the names again, ?I think I like this one.?  Sara smiled, it too was her favorite.
 ?I went on the net and researched names,? Sara told him. ?AMY is French is origin and means ?dearly beloved?.?
 Gil smiled at her. ?We can use this one with it.?  Sara agreed that LEANN, which her research showed meant ?beautiful woman? would go perfectly together.
 ?So she is no longer Ladybug?? Sara said to Gil.  He kissed her cheek, ?Not on your life.  She will always be MY ladybug.?  Sara laughed.  ?AMY LEANN (LADYBUG) GRISSOM, what a beautiful name.?
  As they were driving to the lab Sara wanted to bring the subject of Dr. Anderson back up, she was eager to find out if Gil what going to say about their talk.
 ?We never did get around to your conversation with Harvey,? she said.  Gil smiled, ?No we did not.  He just wanted to tell me he was retiring.  He wants to come to Vegas, he has never been here.?
 ?He is welcome to the guestroom,? Sara said.  As they pulled in the parking lot Gil said, ?Harvey has agreed  to fill in for you while you are on maternity leave, he also agreed to take a part time job as your advisor.  Any problems and you can contact him? Gil said, ?Conrad thinks this is a good idea.?
 ?That will be great,? Sara said.  ?As a matter of fact I am surprised they did not ask him to head the department, he defiantly has the credentials.? 
  Standing at her door Gil smiled at her, ?Well he was their first choice but he turned them down because he wants to retire form full time work.?
 Sara pretended to pout, ?Oh now I see.  I am second best.?  Gil pulled her into his arms and kissed her, ?Not in my eyes.?  Sara smiled at him, ?Scram before you get us both in trouble.?
 Sara looked at the messages that Judy had handed her on her way in, one was from Tasha, it read ?Tabby and Sammie are on board too - start the paperwork - will see you this weekend.? 
 Sara let out a soft squeal of delight, she could not wait to see her friends again.  Back in his office Nick asked how Sara was coming.   ?Getting settled in,? Gil said. 
?She has asked three of her friends from San Francisco to join her team and Dr. Harvey Anderson will be her advisor and replacement.? 
Catherine?s eyes popped wide open, ?Isn?t he ????  Gil quickly stopped her, Catherine was the only other person who knew how Sara got the supervisors position.
 Gil passed out assignments and asked Catherine to stay.  ?Sara is not to know,? he told her. ?But?.? Catherine started to say.  Gil looked at her, ?Sara is not to know.  I told her that Harvey was first choice but he turned it down, that is all she needs to know.?
 ?So you do not intend to tell them he was their ONLY choice?? Catherine said.  ?No,? he replied.  Catherine turned and walked away.
 Everyone from Ecklie up had wanted Dr. Anderson to head the new department, when he turned it down they had all but decided to pull the funding for it.
 Gil?s suggestion of Sara was immediately turned down, it was only when he threatened to turn in his notice, and his promise that Dr. Anderson would take an advisory position, that they agreed to let her try.
  It was not that Sara was not qualified for the position, it was just that they thought she was to young and needed a little more experience.  Gil had told them that experience comes with time, no one has all the experience they need when they first start a new job.
 Gil took off his glasses and lay them on his desk, he looked at the picture of Sara.  ?This is what my Sara wants,? he said to himself, ?and if it is at all in my power, Sara will have what ever makes her happy.?
 ?Gil,? the sound of her voice snapped him out of his thoughts, ?Tasha, Tabby and Sammie have all agreed to come.  I am on my way to human resources not to start the paper work.  Isn?t that fantastic!? 
She blew him a kiss and headed down the hall.  Gil had never seen her so excited about anything, well except the baby.
 He smiled, he knew he had made the right decision, his Sara was happy.


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Life Is Sweet
« Reply #28 on: May 20, 2009, 09:42:35 AM »
Chapter 12

How or why Sara got the position was soon laid to rest.  She and Catherine came to the same conclusion: It was the ultimate gift of love.
 ?What man would not do everything in his power to  make the love of his life happy,? Catherine concluded. 
Sara had come to the same conclusion, she would never again ask Gil about it or bring it up.
 Instead she threw herself into the job.   Tasha, Tabby and Sammie started two weeks after Sara talked to human resource.  With their help and a lot of coaching from Dr. Anderson within a year the Forensic Animal Lab was among the top ten in the country. 
  Gil and Sara?s family was growing.
 ABIGAIL DAWN - Butterfly to Daddy and Abby to everyone else -  fallowed Amy.  CASANDRA HOLLY - Kittypiller to Daddy and  Kitten to everyone else - fallowed Abby.
 Gil was thrilled with his growing family, all of his little ladies looked like their Momma.  They each had her deep brown eyes and soft brunette hair, Kittypiller was the only one who had blue eyes and Gil?s curls.
 At 4 years old Amy was all girl, prim and proper.  She kept her toys but away so her room stayed ?pretty?.  No matter what she wore it had to be clean.
 Abby, at 3 had all the makings of a tomboy.  You needed a shovel to get into her room and the dirtier she was the happier she was.
 Kitten at 2 was her own person.  She already was smarter then either of her sisters, she would sit in the living room for hours at a time and read story books.  Sara and Gil had considered having her IQ tested, she was already reading at the level of a first grader.  She loved being by herself, but most of all she loved to sit on Daddy?s lap while he read. 
Sara had just started the third month of her fourth pregnancy.  Four pregnancy?s in as many years had started to take a toll on her so Gil had made her promise that this pregnancy would be the last.
 After Amy was born they had discussed other children.  With them both being only children they had talked about a large family.   ?I know we said we wanted a big family,? he had told her, ?but not at the cost of your health.?   Sara had reluctantly agreed with him, she still wanted to give him a son.
 ?What is the big deal?? Tasha has asked her one day, ?Gil is very happy with his girls.?  Sara had to smile at that one, she was beginning to wonder herself.  ?I think it is just because the GRISSOM name ends with Gil,? Sara said.
  ?Seems like a logical reason to me,? Sammie told her.  ?Well I will know in about an hour,? Sara said, ?That is when my appointment is.? 
?Are you really going to stop if this one is a girl too,? Tabby asked.  ?Yes,? Sara said, ?I promised Gil I would.  Now let?s get to work.?  ?I bet she doesn?t,? Tabby whispered to Tasha.
 Later that afternoon Sara once more was in an exam room waiting for the sonogram.  The jel applied, the wand moving over her belly and the doctor trying to make baby number 4 turn over.
 ?There you are,? the doctor said.  ?It was Momma that wants the boy right?? he asked. 
?You delivered the others,? Sara said, ?I would think by now you would remember.?  He laughed.
 ?Well Momma it would seen you finally get your wish.?  The doctor turned the screen, there was no doubt that she was finally having her boy.  Sara could not wait to get home and tell Gil. 
As she walked into the kitchen Gil looked at her then he laughed, ?You are finally getting your boy.?
 Sara looked at him, ?How did you know??  Gil smiled, ?By that grin, I can?t remember when I seen you this happy.?
 Amy, Abby and Kitten were all sitting in the living room watching a movie, ?Girls,? Sara said.  They turned to face her.  ?Momma just found out you are having a brother.?
 Three little girls all said ?Cool? then turned back to the movie.  ?It would appear the movie is more interesting then the fact they are having a brother,? Gil said.  Sara looked at him, ?Am I the only one who is excited about this child??
  Gil pulled her into his arms and kissed her.  ?No my love,? he told her, ?I am excited about having a son.  Thank you.? 
Sara whispered in his ear, ?Remember it is not me we have to thank.?  Gil smiled as he remembered back when they first found out that Amy was going to be a girl.
 ?Aw?, he said.  ?And I will thank HIM properly tonight,? Sara told him ever so slightly running her hand over his manhood.
  Later that evening with the girls tucked in and sound asleep Sara went into their room.  Gil was already laying on the bed.  ?Everyone in dreamland?? he asked.  Sara slipped off her robe,  at three months her pregnancy was just starting to show.  Gil had told her how surprised he was at how quickly she was able to get her shape back after each delivery.
 ?My God Sara,? he said as he looked at her, ?You are the most beautiful creature I have ever laid eyes on.?  He pulled her down to him and kissed her. 
She had long ago gave up arguing with him when he said something like that, she knew she would not win.  Sara pulled from his kiss, slowly she planting tiny kisses on his face, then she moved to his chest.
 She kissed and nibbled her way down to his manhood which by this time was fully erect.  Very slowly she started to do things that brought him the most pleasure causing him to groan deeply. 
His heart rate and breathing increased as she continued to make love to him that way.  Each touch  sent waves of pure pleasure throughout his body.
He began to tremble, his deep groans became shouts of pleasure, his climax was nearing and nothing else was on his mind except how wonderful what she was doing to him felt.
 He held his release for as long as he could but now there was no stopping it.  She moved back up to his lips, she could fell his body still shaking.  She lay close to him in her comfy spot as he engulfed her in his arms.
 His body stopped shaking, his breathing returned to normal.  He lift her face and kissed her.  ?Your turn,? he said smiling at her. 
Sara kissed his chest, ?Tonight was for you.?  He gently caressed her face, ?Are you sure??
 ?My love,? she told him, ?Just like you, I can get my pleasure in pleasing you.?                       



  • Guest
Re: Life Is Sweet
« Reply #29 on: May 20, 2009, 09:46:30 AM »
Of course he will do what ever it takes to make her happy, he loves her.  I am so glad she is having her boy.  I am reading this on the other board too, I like the way she thanked "HIM" for giving her a boy.