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Author Topic: Life Is Sweet  (Read 21907 times)


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Life Is Sweet
« on: May 07, 2009, 02:27:15 PM »
I enjoyed writing the THANK YOU series so I thouhgt I would try a longer one.  I hope you all enjoy this one also.  As always commints welcome.  I have already started an adult version of this story on FanFiction, you are welcome to read that one also.

Sara was brought up in foster care, she never felt as if she belonged anywhere.  Her whole life was one traumatic event after an other.
 It all started at home, she was raised in an abusive home.   After one of their fights, her mother stabbed her father to death.
 She was shuffled from foster home to foster home.  She learned to fend for herself a loner.
  When she turned 17 she was placed with an elderly lady named Mrs. Millard Kelly.  It was there where she fell in love, not with a man, but with a career.
 Mrs. Kelly had been a police officer; it was through her stories  that brought propose to her life.  She would become a police officer.
 She was fresh out of the academy when her second love came into her life.
  She was asked to help out with the Crime Scene Investigation Unit.  It was then that she knew what she wanted to be, a CSI.
 Sara never thought much about relationships, she was not a virgin but she was not a slut either.  A man was a means to an end, an itch that needed to be scratched.
 It was good when it lasted; she thought that was all she needed.  That was until that faithful day that she walked into an entomology class at the academy.
 She was in line for a grade three promotion but she had to take and pass this class.  She loved bugs; the way they helped solve crimes fascinated her.
 What fascinated her more was the fact that Dr. Gilbert Grissom was going to teach it.  She had googled him; she thought he was the most charismatic man she had ever read about, and those ocean blue eyes.
 She walked into his class and that was it.  She had never believed in love at first sight but it hit her like a ton of bricks.  No one or nothing else mattered but him.
 He looked over the top of his glasses and raised an eyebrow at her, ?Miss Sidle?? he said.  ?Yes,? she replied.  He pointed to a seat in the front, ?I need to speak to you after class,? he told her.  All through class she could not get her mind where it belonged.
 After class he walked up to her, ?According to your record you are a CSI grade 2.  I need an assistant and was wondering if  you would be up to it.?  She nodded.
 ?It comes with a bit of a salary, the only down side is that I can?t be sure of the hours, so if you are - uh - attached, it might cause a problem.?  ?I am free,? she said.
 ?Great,? he said taking her hand.  ?Let?s get a bite to eat and I will tell you what I expect out of you.?
 Gil escorted her to a small diner off campus, all the time his mind was full of nothing but her.
 He was as much, if not more, of a loner then she was.  He loved his bugs and his work, everything and everybody just got in the way of that love.
 But this beautiful creature, with those beautiful deep brown eyes and that smile, well it was more then any man could resist.
 As they ate they talked.  ?How come you are not married?? he asked.  ?Excuse me?? she said.  ?Anyone as beautiful as you are, well I just thought?.?  It was at that point that he realized what he had said.
 ?Thank you,? she said.  ?I was wondering the same thing about you.?  Gil laughed.  ?I have a mistress,? he said.  Sara looked at him, confused.
 ?My bugs and my job,? he replied.  ?Oh I see,? she said, ? that dose not leave room for anyone else.?  He lay his hand on hers, their eyes meant.  ?A certain someone, yes.?  She smiled at him, could he possibly mean?
 Her itch  started needing scratching.  ?Yes,? was all she said.  ?Let?s go somewhere more private,? he said standing and taking her hand.  They went to his hotel room.
 He locked the door and took her in his arms, their lips meant.  He lifted her to his bed, they broke from the kiss only long enough to undress.
 Gil looked at her and smiled, ?You are so beautiful.?  Once more his lips found hers, tongues danced around each other as his hands explored her body.  He looked at her breasts, firm and yet so soft.
  Soft moans told him she approved.  He slowly kissed his way down.
  Her breathing turned to panting, her soft moans grew louder, her heart beat doubled as he made love to that sweet sensitive spot.
  She called his name as she reached an explosive climax.  He moved atop her and entered her.  He moved inside her with slow thrusts.  His lips found hers again, he kissed her and caressed her face.
   He was beginning to loose control, they matched movements he could no longer control what was raging inside him, he whispered her name and released himself.
  Total exhaustion wrapped his body, he moved down just a little and lay his head on her chest.   He moved from atop of her and wrapped her in his arms, sleep quickly found them both. 
Sara woke first, never had she felt so completely satisfied.  This was not a means to an end, this was something she wanted to last forever, this was love.
 She snuggled closer to him, her movement woke him.  ?That was fantastic,? he told her.  She did not know what to say she just said, ?MMM.?
 The class lasted 6 weeks, they were together almost every minute of those 6 weeks, they made love every night.
 The last day of class they walked together on the beach.  It was near sunset, they watched the sun sink in to the water.  Sara had a question to ask, she just was not sure how to ask it.
 ?So tomorrow it is back to Vegas,? she said.  ?Back to your mistress, I am sure you will not tell her about your affair.?  She told him trying to sound like it was no big deal.   
 Gil took both her hands and turned her so she was facing him.  ?Is that what you think?  Is that what you want?  For this to be nothing more then an affair???
 She looked into his eyes, she seen sadness and hurt.
 ?Sara, I do not have affairs.  I do not have sex, I make love.   I have fallen in love with you,? he said to her. 
Tears filled her eyes, never would she had dreamed he could care for her.  ?I ? I ? I thought that was what YOU wanted,? she said.
  ?I never want to let you go, I love you.?
 He pulled her to him and kissed her, ?Then we will find a way.?


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Re: Life Is Sweet
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2009, 02:36:20 PM »
This is a great story.  I have been reading the adult version also, you did a good jog of editing it for this site.  I will continue to read the story on both sites.  Keep up the good job.


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Re: Life Is Sweet
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2009, 02:57:53 PM »
Agree with Trish, it's a great story, and I also read the adult version, will leave reviews for both.


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Re: Life Is Sweet
« Reply #3 on: May 08, 2009, 06:08:43 AM »
Great story, keep it going.



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Re: Life Is Sweet
« Reply #4 on: May 08, 2009, 11:21:30 AM »
Chapter 2

The ?way? was found just one month later.  Sara called Gil, crying.  ?I need you so bad,? she said. 
That was all Gil needed to hear, from his cell phone he called Ecklie and told him he needed a few days off.
 Nothing pissed of Conrad Ecklie more them Gil did.  Grissom mostly got his way around the lab, his standing as the number one entomologist in the state made everyone look the other way when he broke a minor rule or two.
 He went straight to her apartment.  Sara was in his arms in a matter of a few hours.  Sara buried her face in his chest and cried.
 ?Tell me,? he said.  Sara told him about the case she had worked.  ?It is mostly my fault,? she told him.
 ?The body of a six year old girl was found,? she started.  ?It was past obvious she had been abused.  Well I went into overdrive, I decided that NOTHING was going to stop me from finding out who hurt her.  All my evidence pointed to the father - who just happens to be one of San Francisco?s top DA?s.?
 Gil had an idea where this was going.  ?I was told to slow down, not to confront him until I had more evidence.  I asked my supervisor what more he wanted, I had DNA,  I had prints and I had an eyewitness who saw the father take the girl to the park where the body was found.  He told me that all that could be just coincidence, after all he was her father.? 
Sara was starting to get angry again.  ?Let me guess,? Gil said.  ?The father was never charged.? 
Sara did not have to answer, the look in her eyes was enough.  ?I confronted him anyway,? she said.  ?And for my troubles I got my ass chewed out, a two week suspension and told I had to apologize.? 
?And?? he said.  ?And I told him he could kiss my lily white ass cause I did not intend to apologize to the lying scumbag who abused and murdered his daughter,? she said,  ?For that I got fired.?
 ?What happened to the case?? he asked.  ?They are leaving it UNSOLVED.  But it was the father, Gil.  I just know it was.? 
Gil knew there was nothing that he could do as far as this was concerned but he did know there was something he could do for Sara.
 ?Come back to Vegas with me,? he said.  ?I have a spot open on my team and I need you.?  Sara smiled for the first time since he arrived there.
 ?Need me as a criminologist??  Gil pulled her into his arms and kissed her, ?That and ??  ?Your second mistress?? she said smiling at him.
 ?No,? he said, ?My only love.?  He wanted her, but he was not sure she wanted that, not now anyway.  Sara tenderly stroked his face.   ?Make love to me,? she whispered in his ear, ?I need you so.?
 No more words need be said, he took her hand and fallowed her to her bedroom.
  They lay exhausted in each others arms.  Sara was tracing a heart on his chest when she said, ?I have an idea.?
 ?That would be?? he asked her.  ?This,? she said suddenly straddling him an sitting on his chest.
 She took his wrists and held them over his head as she bent forward and smothered him with kisses.  His lips parted as their tongues meant.  She wiggled up a little more so that he could get to  her breasts.
   Sara looked at him, ?There is something I have always wanted to do, would you ?? she whispered something in his ear.  ?Interesting,? he said, ?Let?s do it.?  Sara giggled.  She knelt on the bed and grabbed the headboard for support, he wiggled himself down so that he was between her legs.
  Never had anything so excited him before.   She gasped for air, her body tensed, her soft moans became  screams of pleasure.
 He slid from between her legs.  She went to his throbbing manhood, after all he had done for her it took him almost no time to climax.
 He pulled her into his arms, she  rest her head on his chest. 
?Feeling better?? he asked.  ?As if you have to ask,? she said.  ?We will talk about Vegas tomorrow,? he said to himself.  Right now all he wanted to do was enjoy her.


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Re: Life Is Sweet
« Reply #5 on: May 08, 2009, 11:24:22 AM »
Great chapter! :D


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Re: Life Is Sweet
« Reply #6 on: May 09, 2009, 06:28:52 AM »
I'm enjoying the "other" version as well.  This is a lovely story.



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Life Is Sweet
« Reply #7 on: May 09, 2009, 11:31:29 AM »
Chapter 3

They both slept like neither of them had ever slept before, deeply and peacefully.  Both woke when the sun filtered through the blinds in Sara?s room.
  ?How about a shower love?? Sara asked.  ?You think I need one?? he asked.  Sara smiled, ?I love the way you smell but I somehow think the rest of San Francisco will not.?
 He pulled her close to him and inhaled deeply, the scent of her was intoxicating.
 ?We can shower now or later,? he said kissing her neck.  She straddled him, ?Later works for me.?
She nibbled at his neck and moved slowly down  nibbling and  kissing  all the way to his manhood, which by now was at full length.
 The feel of her  sent a chill through his whole body, he needed her to love him in that special way, she gladly obliged him.
  Deep groans of pleasure, rapid breaths and increased heart beat hit him as he climaxed.
 He looked at her then at the head of the bed, she smiled and positioned herself as she had the night before.
 He moved between her legs, her womanhood excited him.  Her body trembled as she climaxed, honey could not be sweeter, Gil thought.
 He grabbed her waist and lied her on the bed, he held her as her body continued to tremble.
  He tenderly kissed her and stroked her face as her breathing and pulse returned to normal.
 She smiled at him, ?WE defiantly need to shower.?  Gil agreed with her.
 They showered and dressed then went out to find something to eat, it was not until they started eating that they realized how hungry they were.
 ?I have never been so hungry,? she said.  ?Making love will do that to you,? he said. 
As they ate they talked about her moving to Vegas with him.  ?I will call the director and tell him I want you,? he said.
 ?It will take a week for the paperwork to clear, you  can use that time to familiarize your self with Vegas.?  She was nodding as she ate, she. 
Her next question was the same one he wanted an answer too, ?Where will I live??
 He pulled in a deep breath, ?I want you to live with me, but if you would rather ?? 
?No,? she said, ?I want to be with you.  I want to sleep in your arms.?  ?As my wife?? he asked. 
Sara looked at him, ?As your wife?? 
?Yes,? he said.  ?I love you, I want you with me always. I would be honored to have you as my wife.? 
Sara had not expected that, she knew she loved him knew she wanted him as a lover but she was not sure if they knew enough about each other to make that kind of a commitment.
 ?You want to think about it?? he questioned.  Sara smiled, ?No.?
  ?No?? he said.  ?I thought I did,? she said, ?but there is nothing more I need to know except that I love you.  Everything else we can learn in time.?
 He pulled her to him and kissed her. 
 ?When,? she asked.  ?It is up to you,? he said.  ?Me? Why?? she wanted to know.  ?Depends on how big you want it,? he said.
 ?You see that building over there,? she said pointing to a large brick building.  He nodded.  ?One of the many many offices in there is city hall.  All we need are two witnesses.? 
The next day Tasha Bennett, Sara?s best friend and Harvey Anderson, a friend of Gil?s from the university stood as Gil and Sara exchanged vows in a civil ceremony.
  Gil and Sara invited Tasha and Harvey to dinner. 
Gil?s phone rang, he excused himself as he took the call. 
After a ten minute discussion with Ecklie Gil very calmly said, ?I am bring her back with me, she will fill the opening on my shift and if you don?t like that idea, there is a professorship open here I just will not come back.?
 Once again Gil won his argument, once again Ecklie was pissed.
 Gil came back to the table, ?Everything is set.  You report to human resources Monday and start your paperwork.?
 Sara smiled at him, ?How did you manage it?  I mean I can only image what Jones will say as far as my job performance.?   
?It is taken care of,? was all Gil said.
  After they ate Gil went to pay the check.  Harvey looked at Sara, ?I am telling you a secret that I will  deny I ever told you.  Your husband is  the number 1 forensic entomologist in the state of Nevada,  number 3 in the United States and number 5 in the world.  He can write his own ticket where ever he wants to work.  He chose Las Vegas and he can quickly change his mind.?  Sara now understood, ?So Dr. Gilbert Grissom gets what he wants.?  Harvey smiled, ?99% of the time.?


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Re: Life Is Sweet
« Reply #8 on: May 10, 2009, 12:55:50 AM »
Caught it up only today  :)
I wonder what Harvey meant by "99 per cents"  :P
Please, continue.


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Re: Life Is Sweet
« Reply #9 on: May 10, 2009, 05:27:20 AM »
Nice update.  They are married, wow.



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Re: Life Is Sweet
« Reply #10 on: May 10, 2009, 09:58:20 AM »
Chapter 4

Sara knew she had a bit of information that no one else had, she also knew that it was a bit of information she intended to forget.
 ?I could be a bit<h and use it for my own personal gain,? she thought to herself, ?but that is not who I am.?
 Gil and Sara had a few more days in San Francisco, they spent them enjoying the sites and each other.
 Gil had one more surprise for her, Sara had a few close friends and he wanted her to be able to say good bye to them.
 Gil had a friend who owned his own plane, he had asked him to fly Sara, Tasha, Tabby and Samantha to Anaheim.
  The one thing Sara had never done that she had always wanted to was to go to Disneyland. 
Gil had made all the arrangements, Jeff would fly them down, they would spend two days there and then Jeff would fly them back. 
  He had arranged to have a limo pick them up and take them to their hotel.
  Everything was paid for, the hotel, the theme park tickets and even their meals.
  At the airport Sara tried, all thought not very hard, to protest.
 ?I can?t leave you,? she said, ?What will you do??  Gil kissed her, ?I will find something to do.  Now you and your friends go and enjoy yourselves.?
 There were a few things Gil had wanted to do and he also wanted to spend some time with Harvey.
 The day Sara came back they packed everything in a U Haul truck and put Sara?s car on a car dolly.
 That night they got a hotel room, they would leave first thing in the morning.  Sara lay cuddled in his arms. 
 ?Thank you so much,? she told him, ?we had a blast.? 
 ?Me too,? he said.  ?What did you do?? Sara wanted to know.
 Gil smiled, ?Oh Harvey and I picked up a couple of hookers and never left his apartment.?
 Sara sat straight up and looked at him.  ?You did not,? she said.  He laughed as he pulled her near him, ?No.  But I did miss you.?
  Sara kissed him, ?How much.?  He gently pushed her back down, tenderly he kissed her as his hands found her breasts.
  He made a trail of kisses from her breast to her button, he moved between her legs.
  Her body trembled as she grabbed his head and held it close to her womanhood. 
  She was still quivering form her climax as he entered her.
  He deliberately kept his movements slow, letting her body calm down.  As he moved slowly inside her he smothered her face with soft kisses and tender caresses.
  There bodies became one, matching movements perfectly.  Their breathing, heart rate quickened as their climax neared.
  As he achived his release his strength left him.
  He lay atop her with his head on her chest as she kissed the top of his head.  Slowly his strength returned, he rolled form her and engulfed her in his arms.
  ?That much,? he said smiling.
  Sleep quickly found them, tomorrow would be a big day.                                           



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Re: Life Is Sweet
« Reply #11 on: May 14, 2009, 10:15:28 AM »
Chapter 5

The next morning Sara left San Francisco for the last time, a part of her was sad but mostly she was thrilled because she was starting a new life with her husband.  During the drive they talked about their future.
 ?There is something I have been meaning to talk to you about,? Sara told Gil, ?But I needed to make sure you were listening.?   
Gil laughed, ?Well I am driving 60 miles an hour down the highway, it is not like I can walk out on you.  What is it?? he asked.
  ?Children,? she said, ? I was wondering how you felt about having children??  Gil was silent for a while, ? I have thought about the possibility of becoming a father.  It is a big responsibility.  That and there is the possibility of me passing my problem on to a child.? 
?So the answer is NO?? Sara asked.  ?That is not what I meant,? he told her, ?It is something I would love to do, more so now that I have the love of my life as my wife.?
 Sara smiled, ?When??  Gil said, ?I am not sure.  I guess anytime.?  ?Fantastic,? Sara said, ? I am glad you feel that way.?
 He looked at her, ?You aren?t are you??  She laughed, ?No.  It is just that I took the last of my pills yesterday and this way I do not have to refill them.? 
After they unloaded the van Gil decided he needed a shower, ?We can go to the kennel tomorrow and pick up Hank.  Right now I need to shower.? 
Sara walked up to him and sniffed, ?Yeah you do stink.?  He grabbed her, ?You don?t smell so great yourself.?
 ?How about we conserve water and shower together?? she said smiling.  ?I like your way of thinking,? he said as he undressed her.
  In the shower they washed each other, their hands touched sensitive places as they kissed.  The foreplay continued as they dried each other. 
Gil lay Sara on the bed, his lips found hers as his hands found her breasts. 
  ?Your way?? he asked.  Sara smiled, ?Please.?  He moved so she could position herself.  She was beginning to really enjoy it this way.  She got on her knees and grabbed the headboard for support.
  Sara?s moans of pleasure turned to screams, her breathing quickened, her body trembled and she released herself. 
Sara turned.  She was still straddling him.   He entered her, his throbbing manhood demanding release.  It took him only a few thrusts to reach his climax. 
He pulled her to his arms and cuddled her.  ?You are so fantasic,? he told her.  ?I love the way you make me feel.?  ?So do I,? she said, ?I have never felt so loved, so safe, so completely satisfied.?
 Sleep found them quickly.  Tomorrow would start a new chapter in their live, tomorrow she would meet the rest of the team.


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Re: Life Is Sweet
« Reply #12 on: May 14, 2009, 11:21:22 AM »
Great chapters!

Gotta love that foreplay.  :-* ;)


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Re: Life Is Sweet
« Reply #13 on: May 15, 2009, 06:13:56 AM »
This just gets better.



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Re: Life Is Sweet
« Reply #14 on: May 15, 2009, 01:15:01 PM »
Chapter 6

The next morning over breakfast Gil and Sara talked about the best way to tell the others.
  Gil laughed, ?I am not sure we will need to tell them.?
 ?Why is that?? she asked.  ?I think they will put two and two together when we come in wearing wedding bands and I introduce you as Sara Grissom.?
 ?I see your point,? she said snickering, ?We just let THEM figure it out and answer questions from there.?
 Gil kissed her, ?You are so smart.  Now I have already told Ecklie, to say the least he was not pleased.? 
This made Sara laugh. 
?He said that we were to conduct ourselves in a professional manor at all times and I was to be sure that you understood that I was your supervisor.  He also made it quite clear that if the rules were not fallowed then he would transfer you to a different shift.? 
Sara pulled him to her and kissed him passionately, ?None of that?? she said smiling at him. 
Then she slid her hand down to his manhood and tenderly stroked it.  ?Or that?? she said smiling as he groaned in response to her touch.
 ?Then I guess that means I defiantly can?t do this.?   Gil?s soft groans grew deeper, he was lost in the pleasure she was giving him.  Sara grabbed his butt, her nails digging into the flesh.  Gil?s release was near, his breathing was just pants as he achived the release he so needed.
  Gil was still trembling from his release as he pulled her up and into his arms.  Kissing her he said, ?As fantastic as that is and as much as I love it when you do it to me, that is a defiant CAN?T DO at the lab.?   
She smiled at him.   ?So is this,? he said as he carried her to the couch and gave to her what she had just given to him. 
He held her until her body stopped trembling and her breathing returned to normal.
 ?Now we need to grab a shower and get going,? he said. 
At the lab Gil asked all the team to meet him in his office, he had asked Sara to wait in the break room until he called her.
 ?Welcome back,? Warrick said.  ?Yeah,? Nick added, ?Catherine is cool but she can be Attila The Hun while she is in charge.? 
Catherine hit him, ?Ecklie said you were bringing a new CSI with you??
 ?I did,? he said.  ?What else did Conrad say?? Gil wanted to know.
 ?Nothing,? Catherine said, ?He said you would tell us when you get back.? 
As he always did with a new hire Gil gave them a brief review of her record and history of her background.  ?Sounds like she is well qualified for the job,? Catherine said.
 By this time he had called her and asked her to join them.
 The first thing Nick noticed was the wedding band - well that is the first thing Nick always notices on a woman. 
?Catherine Willows, Nick Stokes, and Warrick Brown,? he said pointing to each as they shook her hand, ?This is our newest team member, Sara Grissom.? 
Silence filled the room, eyes popped and mouths fell open.  ?Questions?? Gil asked waiting for the onslaught he knew was coming.
 For a while no one said nothing, they just stared in disbelief.  Finally Catherine said, ?I know you are an only child so she is not a sister or a sister in law.?
 ?True,? Gil said.  ?So you got married while you were in San Francisco?? Nick asked.  ?I did,? he said. 
Once again no one said nothing.  Ecklie came into the office, ?I can tell by the lack of normal chatter that Grissom has dropped the bomb.?  Still no one said nothing. 
?I need Sara to come with me to Human Recourses to fill out some paper work before she starts work,? Ecklie said.  Gil nodded.
 As they left the office Ecklie looked at Sara and said, ?I can?t wait for you to mess up.?  Sara stopped and looked at him, ?What?? she asked.
 Conrad did not answer, he just kept walking.
 Back in his office Gil was bombarded by questions and they all seemed to come at once.  Gil laughed, ?Let?s meet at OVER EASY after shift and Sara and I will answer all your questions.?
 He passed out assignments and asked Catherine to wait for Sara because he had paired them together.
 Everyone was out in the field when Ecklie walked into the trace lab, ?Hodges I have a special job for you.?  He had asked David to keep an eye on the newest CSI and report every - and he emphasized the every - little mistake she made. 
At the diner after shift Gil and Sara answered all the questions the others asked.  There was no doubt in anyone?s mind that they were a team.
 The only thing that seemed to really bother the others was that Gil did not wait until he got back to Vegas to get married.
 As they were leaving Sara told Gil what Ecklie had said to her, Gil told her that Conrad was just that way and not to think about it.
 Gil?s phone rang, obviously something about his new assignment rubbed Hodges the wrong way.  He called Gil and told him of Ecklies request.  Gil thanked him and told him he would handle it. 
At the house Gil and Sara had grabbed a shower and were laying on the bed talking. 
?That went better then I thought it would,? he said.  ?I agree,? she said.  ?Any problems?? he asked.
 ?Only one,? she said smiling at him, ?I found it so hard to keep my hands off you.?  Gil pulled her into a passionate kiss then said, ?We are not in the lab now.?