Hey everyone.
Sorry, but I won't be catching up on many chapters today like I told you yesterday. But DON'T WORRY; I'm still giving you at least one chapter. Explanation:
Currently it is a little after 5:30 PM over here and I had a soccer game at 3... in 40 degree (F) weather, with 30 mile an hour winds. Needless to say, I am FREEZING; right now I am wearing under armor, a t-shirt, a sweat shirt and a jacket, as well as socks up past my knees, two pairs of shorts and sweat pants, & I am still freezing cold and thawing. I still can't feel me toes.
So in conclusion, I'm turning in early so I don't catch pnemonia (or at least a cold)! The last thing I need is to get sick again!
But enjoy this chapter while I go thaw.
Angst alert! Angst alert! But all I will tell you, is... I only write happy endings. (In other words: keep the faith!)
Chapter 6:
"No guys, it's my turn to pay." said Nick. They had all been debating for the past couple minutes as to who would pay.
"You sure?" Warrick asked.
"Well, then I'll go get the car and bring it to the front so we don't have to walk all the way to it in this weather." Greg told them as he put his coat on and headed out into the parking lot in the pouring rain. Moments later, Nick returned to their booth.
"Okay, we're paid for! Where'd Greggo go?"
"To get the car." Catherine informed him.
"Good plan."
Turning her attention towards Grissom, Catherine grew concerned. He had his head in his hands and looked just plain sick. "Hey, you okay?" she asked, placing a hand on his shoulder. He looked up at her.
"Migraine." He simply said. Not lying, though it wasn't the entire truth.
"Sounds like fun." Warrick said.
They then heard the beeping of a car horn as they saw Greg with his truck, pulled up to the front.
"Let's not keep him waiting." Catherine says.
"I got shotgun!" Warrick calls as he exits the diner first.
"Aw man! You got it on the way up..." Nick complain as he makes his way outside as well. Catherine looks back at Grissom as she stands and hands him his jacket.
"You sure you're okay?" she asks a second time. He gives her a small smile.
"I'm fine."
"Alright, if you say so."
They both quickly left Frank's and hopped into Greg's car. The ride back to the lab went by as all of the CSI's quickly got into their respective cars and drove to their homes. Grissom quickly got into his car and put his keys into the ignition, then looked for his phone. Not finding it in his pockets he tried to retrace his steps as to where it was. He didn't remember having it at the diner. What about Greg's car? No, not there. His office? Well where else would it be...
He got out of his car and hurried himself into the lab, trying to keep himself as dry as possible in his jacket. Finally reaching the confines of the lab, he began the walk to his office, waving to Judy as he passed her station. Reaching his destination, he unlocked the door to his office and walked in. Walking over to his desk he searched on top of it, then in his desk. Not there, or there. Then stooping down he peered under it; finding his cell, finally. Flipping it open, he noticed a blank screen staring back at him. Grissom then tried turning it on, but with no avail. Dead battery, his thoughts confirmed. Putting his phone inside his pocket, he made his way down the halls of the lab, out the door, and towards his car, again. Getting inside his car he then started his drive back to his apartment.
Arriving home, he threw his jacket onto the coffee table and took a seat onto the couch. Hank happily approached his master, taking a seat at the on the floor in fron of Grissom. "Hey boy," Grissom said to the dog as he scratched behind his ears "Miss me?" the dog responded by laying down, yawning, and proceeding to fall asleep. "I guess not." he said to no one. Now what to do...
Cell phone. Walking into their-- his bedroom, he plugged his phone into the charger, and turned it on. Seconds later, a high pitched beeping filled the room. Opening his phone, the screen read, ONE NEW VOICE MESSAGE. Sitting down on the bed, he called his viocemail, and listened on the other end. Static. When the message ended he pressed 1, playing it again. This time he could hear someone talking, but couldn't make out any of the words. Replaying the message one last time, he couldn't make out one word. Maybe I'm just tired, he thought to himself. Putting his cell phone atop the dresser, he then began to get ready for bed; which also including taking something for his ever-increasing migraine.
He had been laying in his been for the good part of an hour. Sleep had not yet come. He had had trouble with getting back to sleep in the first couple months that Sara was gone, but he soon grew used to it. Sitting up in his bed, he flung his feet over the edge and hands on his knees. Damn migraine, he thought to himself. Rubbing his temples he stands and walks into the bathroom. Opening his cabinet, he then takes more of his migraine medicine; hoping that it would soon leave him. Twenty minutes later he was laying back down in his bed; finally fast asleep. His dreams pleasantly filled with images of times he and Sara had spent together. All leading up to when Sara had kissed him goodbye, and began walking slowly down the halls of the lab; it had been the last time he had seen her in many months. Suddenly these dreams were anything but dreams. As she walked away, everything in his dreams went black. Soon the only thing there was him and her letter. Just standing there, all alone. Next thing, he was standing in the middle of a forest; it was raining. He then began walking, and walking, and walking. Then he heard it.
Quickly turning arourd, he tried to find the source of the voice. It almost sounded like her voice...
"Gil... help."
Looking to the right and about 50 yards into the forest, there she was.
"Sara." he gasped. It almost felt real. She was walking-- no wait, she was running away. Her head turning back at him, facing him. She was pale, like a ghost.
"Gil... hurry, please." She kept going.
"Sara!" he began running after her. "Sara, I'm coming!" he yelled.
"Hurry, it might be too late..." she yelled back.
What? Too late... he thought to himself.
"It's right here... no!" she cried, looking down at something on the ground and falling to her knees. He began approaching her and as he layed his hand upon her shoulder, everything went black again.
"Sar-- Sara! No..." Grissom yelled into the open. Then he heard something else. Static. And then, her voice again. She sounded quiet, shaky even. As if she were scared. It was the sound that made his heart ache.
"Gil... help."
"Sara... where are you?"
"Help. Well. Hurt."
She was coughing; in pain. Something was wrong.
"Honey, please. Where are you?" Suddenly, she was standing a few feet in front of him.
"Listen again... and come find me." she then turned around and began walking. Within a matter of seconds she was out of sight. Then the last thing he heard was her scream.
Springing up in his bed and away from his nightmare, he looked around at the morning light creeping in through the cracks in his blinds and whispered to himself. "It was only a dream..." Looking around the first thing he spotted was his phone. He then remembered his dream,
"Listen again..." she had said. You're crazy, Gil. He thought to himself. But... what harm could it do. He then picked up his phone and once again dialed the nunber to his voice mailbox.
As if time had reround itself, Sara soon found herself standing just outside the airpost; and with no recollection of the night prior. As far as she was aware, she had just been dropped off by her mother, moments before. Looking around, she noticed she was not with her suitcase.
Hmm, I must have taken care of it already. she tells herself.
Looking around and finding no clock on any of the walls, she walks up to the clerk and asks,
"Excuse me, do you have the time?" Gaining no response, Sara waits a moment. "Excuse me, miss?" Sara says, leaning over the counter a bit, trying to get the woman's attention. Still no response. "Excuse me?!" Sara says as she waves her hand in front of the woman's face, getting very annoyed. Preparing to raise her voice even higher, she is stopped when a man walks up to the same woman at the same counter.
"Excuse me, but where are the bathrooms?"
"If you walk through the entrance, there will be a hallway directly to your left; that's where you can find them."
You have GOT to be kidding me! Sara thinks as her anger rises.
"Now, this is just plain rude!" Sara tells the clerk, raising her voice. Though when the woman still doesn't notice her, Sara storms off in search of another employee. Seeing one walking back from the backrooms, Sara tries to catch up with him.
"Excuse me, sir?" No response. "Hello? Do you hear me?" Still no response.
What on Earth is going on? she begins to think, It's like I'm a ghost!
She then jogs up to a security guard and, after yelling and even jumping around in front of him, she got the same response as the other two employees; nothing. Something was up.
"Hello, can anybody hear me!?" She screams walking around in the middle of the airport. "Please, anybody? Hello!" she continues to scream as she runs up to various strangers, waving her hands in their faces. She then starts to cry. What's going on? Am I dreaming? Sara then gives up and sits in the middle of the floor of the busy airpost, and puts her head in her knees and thinks. Think Sara. What happened...
Then, it all started to quickly come back to her.
Her delayed flight.
The storm.
A car.
A bat.
Pain; lots of pain.
A well.
Calling Grissom.
Then, boom, nothing. There she was, alone.
"Oh my God." she says outloud. "I'm dead."
Don't hate. Just leave some love.