"Where did he go?" Grissom felt uneasy. Emma quickly retrieved a piece of scrap paper and a pen and began to scibble down something.
"He's headed west," she said as she continued writing, "to the coast."
"With... Sara?" he asked, with a lump in his throat. He didn't like where this was going...
"Yes, but you're going to need to hurry," she said as she finished writing and handed him the piece of paper, "he's probably halfway there by now." He looked at the paper and noticed the collection of directions she wrote out for him.
"Where exactly is he going?" Emma's eyes were empty as she answered him.
"To Devil's Slide, off of the Cabrillo highway." Noticing Grissom's look of slight confusion, she explained further. "He's taking her to the cliffs." his eyes grew wide and his mouth was left wide open.
"No..." Grissom whispered outloud.
This couldn't be happening. They were just so close. They had taken one step forward, and ten steps back. He turned slightly and watched Sara. Her expression was blank, her eyes stared straight out ahead of her, with her arms wrapped around her midsection, grabbing at her sides.
"It's a half hour drive, you need to hurry if you want to catch him." Emma informed him.
Grissom held the directions tightly in his hands and nodded slightly, still in deep thought. After a moment he met Emma's gaze. She offered him a sad smile.
"Sara always told me to believe." her voice was barely above a whisper, yet full of hope.
"Thank you."
And within seconds, he had run from the house and jumped into the car, Sara already sitting in the passenger's seat. Grissom sped away quickly as they then sat back and began the fight against time. After about 15 minutes of silence, Sara finally spoke.
"I'm sorry."
Grissom looked at her incredulously, disbelief written all across his face.
"What are you talking about?" he gasped, "You haven't done anything wrong."
She shook her head stubbornly, and pursed her lips together.
"I've done everything wrong. If I hadn't fought with Jason that one day--"
"No!" Grissom yelled angrily. "This is not your fault Sara!" he kept his grip on the steering wheel tight as he tried to keep his temper under control. He took a deep breath before saying anything else. "You didn't ask for any of this." his voice was noticably softer.
Silence engulfed them once more as they became lost in their thoughts. Five more minutes ticked by before Sara spoke again.
"Gil," she inhaled deeply and closed her eyes, "If... I don't... survive this..."
"Sara." Grissom's voice was full of warning.
"Please!" she cried, upset and frusterated, "Please, just... listen to what I need to say." When he didn't respond, she took that as a cue.
"Gil, I love you so much." she took another deep breath," I always have, and I'm so sorry for leaving you last fall. I will never forgive myself for that."
"You did what you had to do." Grissom said without emotion. Sara shook her head.
"I should have thought about you, too." she looked at him, "I'm sorry."
"Sara..." But she continued as if she hadn't heard him.
"If I don't make it out of this, just know that much. That I love you more than anything."
"You'll make it Sara." he said sternly. "Trust me." he looked her in the eyes.
"Always." she breathed.
The road they were driving on soon began to snake it's way along the coastline, bringing the pacific ocean out into a spectacular view. As they drove around one bend of the highway, Grissom's jaw clenched as he allowed his gaze to drift to the right and peer straight down the rocky cliff and into the crashing waves of dark blue. Heart aching, he pushed the car to drive just a little faster; already going much faster than the allowed speed limit. With the vision of the cliffs fresh in his mind, the terrifing reality tore at his emotions again. Sara was the only thing that mattered anymore. All he wanted at the moment was to have Sara safe; and he would do anything to make that happen.
"Slow down!" Sara suddenly yelled. Grissom quickly eased the car down slower as he tried to see the cause of her sudden demand. At the end of the strech of road the two now drove on, was a dark blue pick-up truck, parked on the side of the road. The car was parked along side a large, grass-covered hill, a few lone trees stood at the top of the large cliff.
"That's Jason's car."
Within seconds, Grissom had pulled the car directly behind the truck and parked. Pulling out his cell phone, he dialed 911. As it rang, he quickly reached into the back seat and retrieved his handgun from his bag; causing Sara to gasp beside him.
"My name is Gil Grissom, and I'm on scene of a kidnapping. I'm going to need cops, and an ambulance," he said sternly to the woman on the recieving end, "and quickly."
Without hanging up, Grissom set the phone down beside the driver's seat and got out of the car, ignoring the operator's voice calling for a response to her questions. He knew that they would quickly trace the call and send the emergency personel. Now outside of the car, Grissom held his gun tightly and started off toward Jason's car.
Cautiously approaching, he kept the gun pointed toward the car, and approached the driver's side. As soon as he discovered it empty, he looked towards the green hill which led to the top of a set of cliffs. A set of old stairs led the way to the summit, where it met an old war bunker.
"Be safe." Sara whispered from behind him.
Grissom nodded and ran forward, towards the stairs, Sara right behind him.
Feel free to continue hating me.
Much Love,
Horrible Person Who Never Updates Her Story